Page 57 - Golf Champion - December 2019
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features a brand-new weighting face, we’ve designed a putter that uniquely
system which brings the center maximizes directional and speed consis-
of gravity forward in a bid tency. Combined with slick black cosmetics,
for greater stability through great shapes and hosel options for different
impact. stroke types, Frontline really is the whole
A forward center of grav- package.”
ity reduces the Gear Effect on The flagship model of the Frontline col-
miss-hits. That’s good. It means lection, the Frontline Elevado, provides
your putts start straight and stay on line. Say your two stability wings and Tungsten Forward
aim is spot on with your current rear-weighted mal- Weighting for improved consistency and accuracy
let, but you strike the ball off the toe. That putt is go- on the greens. Featuring Cleveland’s Speed Optimized
ing to roll off-line and miss the hole even more so, if you Face Technology and 2135 Technology, one can achieve better
have not balanced your golf ball. With Frontline, that same putt distance control and alignment with the Frontline Elevado.
will go a lot straighter – perhaps straight enough to find the cup. The tungsten forward weighting on the Frontline series places
Frontline delivers a new way to design a putter with Tungsten two Metal Injection Molded (MIM) tungsten weights in the face
Forward Weighting positioning the center of gravity closer to the of the putter. According to the company, the design places the
face for straighter putts. center of gravity forward in the new putter for maximum ac-
The Frontline Elevado single bend mallet is ideal for straight curacy on the greens.
back stroke types and provides a truer roll to help you sink more All Frontline models feature the brand’s Speed Optimized Face
putts. A slant neck hosel is also available for the Elevado. Technology (SOFT), which is designed to normalize ball speed
Jacob Lambeth, Research and Development Engineer at Cleve- across the face for consistent distance performance on each putt
land Golf, stated “We are very excited about Frontline because and includes an individualized SOFT pattern which aims to pre-
it is a completely new approach to putter design. By pairing an vent speed and distance loss, particularly on off-center strikes.
extreme center of gravity with an improved speed-optimized Now, when you hit a 6-foot putt, it goes 6-feet rather than stop-
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ೠҴয Jae Kang, Golf Operations Manager / (949)551-1811 Ext. 303
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