Page 62 - Golf Champion - August 2020
P. 62



                                       STABILITY AND COMFORT

                    이상적인 골프화, 스타일, 성능, 안정성 및 편안함을 제공해야

          More  time  is  spent  using  one  single   the Tiger and DeChambeau effect so  Just  recently  Faldo  became  an  in-
          piece of golf equipment than any oth-  predominant at this point in time.  vestor in SQAIRZ. I wholeheartedly
          er – the golf shoe. This is the one item   Recently,  in  an  independent  test-  agree with Sir Nick when he further
          of  equipment  that  draws  more  com-  ing of amateur golfers, SQAIRZ has  stated,  “These  shoes  are  made  for
          plaints than any other, yet, it is also the   shown  to  increase  swing  speed  by  today’s  golfer,  who  no  longer  need
          least updated piece of golf equipment.  an  average  of  2.2  mph,  translating  to sacrifice comfort for stability and
          The SQAIRZ, the Duca del Cosma, and   into  an  average  of  8.8  more  yards  balance – or the other way around.
          the NXT Crafted golf shoes, fit the bill   off the tee!               Over the course of an entire round,
          to the nth degree.                 These  shoes  definitely  break  from  the difference is huge! I’m thrilled
                                             the  conventional.  They  are  not  to  help  golfers  discover  SQAIRZ
          SQAIRZ Arrow                       designed  as  many  of  the  current  and understand what we’ve all been
                                             shoes,  nor  are  they  of  the  feather-  missing.  Golf shoes are one of the
          Based on SQAIRZ’s philosophy that  weight variety, or highly touted as a  only things we use for every single
          golf is a sport that involves all ele-  lifestyle type of shoe.       shot  on  the  course  and  these  will
          ments – athleticism, concentration,  Their USP (Unique Selling Proposi-  help your game.”
          practice,  competition,  cheerlead-  tion) is the shoes’ super wide base,  Recognizing  the  critical  role  of

          ers,  and  the  fact  that  there  have  toe  box  and  sturdy  platform,  pro-  technology in shoe design, SQAIRZ
          been no significant changes to golf  viding additional room for your feet  delivers  an  unmatched  connection
          shoes since 1982, SQAIRZ has decid-  to sit naturally and experience full  to  the  ground.  Engineered  around
          ed  that  the  saddle  shoe  (designed  range of motion, unparalleled com-  a  patented  SQAIRZ  toe  that  allows
          circa 1800) needs to get a life. And  fort, and feel for the ground.  feet to sit naturally, the shoes pro-
          so  it  should  be,  as  we’ve  seen  golf  Sir Nick Faldo has always said that  mote  proper  positioning,  efficient
          evolve  into  a  more  powerful,  tech-  “Good  footwork  is  the  mark  of  an  biomechanics,   athletic   balance
          nological  game,  with  400-yard  accomplished  player,  and  nowhere  and dynamic stability.  With break-
          drives  and  space  age  materials,  so  is the quality of the interaction you  through  engineering  optimized  for
          why not shoes as well? The market  have with the ground more valuable  performance, SQAIRZ is equipment
          is  definitely  there,  especially  with  than in the transition.”    for your feet.

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