Page 22 - Golf Champion - November 2021
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          a  field  of  professional  players  that  rivals  any  major   earlier  this  year  due  to  the  COVID-19  pandemic.  For
          championship  in  golf.  The  Hoag  Classic  is  televised   next  year’s  event,  organizers  are  taking  all  precautions
          domestically  on  the  Golf  Channel  and  internationally   necessary  to  ensure  the  health  and  safety  of  fans,
          on  PGA  TOUR  television  partners  overseas.  This  wide   sponsors,  and  players.  Tournament  staff  have  been
          exposure for the community provides benefits that are   working closely with public health agencies to develop
          immeasurable, Folino noted, and the positive light shed   protocols  to  keep  everyone  in  attendance  safe.  All
          on  Orange  County  residually  impacts  the  businesses   plans for the 2022 Hoag Classic are based on PGA TOUR
          and  individuals  who  reside  here.  With  more  than  $20   Champions protocols and health agency projections for
          million  in  total  charitable  proceeds  raised  throughout   the time being but are subject to change if warranted by
          its history, the tournament is one of the most successful   public health conditions.
          philanthropic events on the PGA TOUR Champions.
          In addition to all the golf action, the Hoag Classic will   리포니아주  뉴포트  비치,  ---  PGA  투어  챔피언스  서킷
          welcome  back  many  fan  favorite  programs  including  캘에서 가장 기대되는 토너먼트 중 하나인 호그 클래식이
          Military Appreciation Day, presented by CoreLogic and   2022년 3월 2일부터 6일까지 뉴포트 비치 컨트리 클럽에서 국제
          Student  Day,  presented  by  Kingston  Technology.  New   골프 레전드 라인업으로 돌아온다. 기록적인 2백만 달러의 상금
          to the tournament in 2022 will be the Hoag Technology   을 놓고 경쟁한다. 이 행사에는 다시 한 번 호그 장로 메모리얼
          Showcase, where guests will have the opportunity to see   병원이 타이틀 스폰서로서 파트너인 코니카 미뇰타와 시티 내셔
          the  latest  industry  leading  technology  used  to  advance   녈 은행을 소개한다.
          patient treatment and recovery.                      호그 장로 메모리얼 병원의 사장 겸 CEO인 로버트 브레이스웨이
          The  Hoag  Classic  returns  in  2022  after  being  canceled   트는 “호그 클래식을 뉴포트 비치에 다시 방문하게 된 것을 환영

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