Page 64 - Golf Champion - July 2021
P. 64


          to track each shot you play, which clubs you used, how far   exact shape of the green automatically rotates to match
          you hit them, and where you hit them from. Activate Shot   your  angle  of  approach  to  provide  all  of  the  distances
          Tracking on your SkyCaddie to track your round, identify   you  need  to  hit  more  greens  and  avoid  3-putts.  This
          your strengths and weaknesses, and find out which clubs   proprietary feature gives you a chance to turn every shot
          are helping or hurting your game! After you play, just WiFi   into a scoring opportunity by providing front carry and
          Sync and use the in-depth tools to explore your round in   back distances, depth of green, and distances to any other
          detail at SkyGolf 360.                               point on the green — simultaneously.

          The SX family of rangefinders includes a host of “patented”   SkyCaddie  PinPoint®  will  obsolete  lasers  by  providing
          technology  and  stroke-saving  features  developed  by   the ability to get distances to the pin while getting all the
          SkyCaddie to help its customers play golf like a Pro. It also   benefits of IntelliGreen. Simply enter pin sheet or zone
          includes  an  array  of  automated  features  such  as  Auto-  information into the SkyCaddie® SX550, SX500 or SX400 to
          Course  Selection,  Auto-Hole  Advance  and  Auto-Zoom,   get distances to the hole, front, center and back PLUS the
          making  it  basically  "touch-free"  from  the  parking  lot  to   depth and true shape green... AND all of this information
          the 19th hole.                                       is on one screen that changes automatically based on your
                                                               current position and angle of approach from anywhere on
          While other GPS products may provide a few calculated   the course…whether you can see the flag or not. With the
          layup yardages, the SkyCaddie® SX550 delivers distances   SX Series, you get more information, from more places,
          to up to 40 geo-referenced targets per hole, all integrated   easier and faster and without aiming!
          within HoleVue®. Simply double-tap or pinch and zoom
          HoleVue  to  reveal  instantly  the  critical  distances  to  all   Wi-Fi connectivity cuts the cord to streamline application
          hazards,  carries  and  layups...  all  verified  by  SkyGolf’s   updates  and  allows  golfers  to  get  the  latest  course
          ground mapping team.                                 information  on  demand  without  connecting  to  a
                                                               computer. Just like the SX500 and SX400, the SkyCaddie®
          All rangefinders in the SX family feature the new Dynamic   SX550  comes  preloaded  and  “ready-to-play”  with  over
          HoleVue  with  IntelliPath  Technology  that  provides  the   35,000  ground-verified,  error-corrected  courses  without
          distance to target as well as every other relevant attribute   the short-cuts taken by the competition. Only SkyCaddie
          of the course, along and beyond your target line, without   walks each course to record thousands of points with sub-
          aiming  a  laser.  So,  now  without  wasting  time  to  make   meter precision because we know that you cannot trust
          multiple  measurements,  such  as  with  a  laser,  you  get   your club if you cannot trust your distances. Knowing and
          distances  instantly  to  all  intervening  hazards,  end  of   trusting critical distances lets you manage your game and
          fairways and other shot saving information in an instant   eliminate those high scores from your scorecard.
          to allow you to play like a pro and make the right club
                                                               As with all SkyGolf e-golf products, the SkyCaddie SX Series
          The ultra-fast multi-core processor of the SX550 also drives   is built around the SkyGolf 360 Cloud platform, providing
          SkyCaddie’s  Dynamic  HoleVue™,  which  automatically   unmatched  wireless  connectivity  for  golfers  to  upload
          re-orients the entire golf hole from your position to the   performance data captured during their round. SkyGolf
          green as you progress from the tee. The new and patented   360 allows golfers to keep all performance data regardless
          Dynamic  HoleVue™  feature  rotates  the  fairway  and   of whether it comes from a rangefinder, a swing sensor,
          orients the green from your current position and angle   a performance tracker or a launch monitor in one place
          of  attack  as  you  move  from  the  tee  to  the  green.  Now,   rather  than  scattered  among  various  competitors  with
          you see everything between you and the green instantly   incompatible platforms. A single platform is not only to
          without touching a button and get the distances you need   the golfer’s advantage, but it is also to the advantage of a
          to avoid hazards and play your best golf. So, in addition   teacher, PGA Professional or reseller to be able to offer all
          to SkyCaddie’s patented IntelliGreen® technology, golfers   the tools a golfer can need to improve their performance
          can now see the entire hole from their point-of-view.  from one source with the confidence their customers are
                                                               getting the very best solution.
          With SkyCaddie’s patented IntelliGreen® technology, the

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