Page 33 - Golf Champion -September 2021
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later  this  month,  will  begin  her  freshman  season  at   put her in a league of her own, and she has shown she
           Stanford University in the fall. One of the most decorated   is not only a champion on the course, but off it as well.
           junior golfers of all time, she is a two-time winner of the   We cannot wait to continue to watch her career grow for
           Rolex  Tournament  of  Champions,  won  the  2020  Rolex   years to come.”
           Girls Junior Championship and the 2020 Ping Invitational,   The World Amateur Golf Ranking, which is supported by
           and is a two-time AJGA Player of the Year.           Rolex,  was  established  in  2007  when  the  men’s  ranking
           The  R&A  and  the  USGA  jointly  award  the  McCormack   was  launched.  The  men’s  ranking  encompasses  nearly
           Medal  annually.  It  is  named  after  Mark  H  McCormack,   2,900  counting  events,  ranking  7,309  players  from  117
           who founded sports marketing company IMG and was a   countries.  The  women’s  ranking  was  launched  in  2011
           great supporter of amateur golf.                     and has a calendar of around 1,900 counting events with
                                                                more than 3,830 ranked players from 88 countries.
           Incredible achievement
           Professor  Steve  Otto,  Chief  Technology  Officer  at  The   리포니아 어바인의 18세 로즈 장이 2021년 세계 아마추
           R&A,  said,  “Rose  has  demonstrated  a  remarkable  level  캘어 골프 랭킹®에서 최고 여성 선수로 마크 H 맥코맥 메달
           of consistency in her results achieved over the last two   을 수상했다. 지난 10월에도 수상한 그녀의 두 번째 연속 맥코맥
           years, which has led to her excelling as the world’s leading   메달이다.
           women’s amateur golfer for a second successive year. Her
           performances show that she is a worthy recipient of the   장의 놀라운 골프 기록은 올해 계속되어 7월에 열린 US 걸스 주
           McCormack Medal and we would like to congratulate her   니어 챔피언십에서 두 번째 USGA 타이틀을 획득했다. 지난 10월
           on this fantastic achievement.”                      맥코맥 메달을 받은 이후 장은 3개의 메이저 대회에 출전 중 12월
           “On  behalf  of  our  entire  organisation,  I’d  like  to   의 2020 US 우먼스 오픈과 지난달 2021 아문디 에비앙 챔피언십
           congratulate Rose on this incredible achievement,” said   의 두 LPGA 메이저 챔피언십에서 컷 통과를 했다.
           John  Bodenhamer,  USGA  senior  managing  director,   그녀는 또한 2021년 어거스타 내셔널 우먼스 아마추어에서 3위
           Championships.  “Her  play  over  the  last  two  years  has   를 했고 LPGA 시메트라 투어의 칼라일 애리조나 우먼스 골프 클

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