Page 44 - Golf Champion -September 2021
P. 44
Custom club fitter offers free putter fittings to
encourage a fitted flat stick
클럽 챔피언, 두 번째 연례 행사 '퍼터 피팅의 달' 발표
피팅된 플랫 스틱 활성화를 위한 무료 퍼터 피팅을 제공하는 커스텀 클럽 피터
illowbrook, IL -- There’s nothing worse than a putter shaft with Club Champion installation.
Wthree-putt on a hole that should have been an easy
par. Could practice help? Always. But there’s a chance “We see golfers come in all the time wanting more
something else is keeping you from reaching your putting distance or looking to increase fairways hit, but somehow
potential — your equipment. To solve this problem, the ignore their putter,” says Nick Sherburne, Master Fitter
nation’s top club fitter created Putter Fitting Month to and Club Champion founder. “Putting may not be as sexy
focus on the club responsible for over 40% of your strokes. as bombing it off the tee, but your putter is arguably the
most important club in the bag if you’re looking to truly
From September 1-30, 2021, every Club Champion play better golf and lower your scores.”
location will waive the putter fitting fee, valued at $100,
for any golfer who purchases a new putter or custom So how does it work? It starts with an unrivaled number of
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