Page 49 - Golf Champion - August 2024
P. 49

during the manufacturing process. While Tim had some
                                                                experience in this area as a former business consultant,
                                                                he had never scaled something this big.  Having to source
                                                                materials and production facilities in China, the Wright
                                                                brothers  discovered  various  speed  bumps  between  the
                                                                language barrier, the lead times, and quality control with
                                                                their supplier.

                                                                “We ordered a thousand carbon fiber grips but the product
                                                                did not pass our quality inspections. We had to go back to
                                                                the drawing board, remake the mold, reorder, and change
                                                                suppliers,” said Wright. “Welcome to trial and error and
                                                                blowing away our budget for 2023. The key to bringing a
                                                                product to market is patience and we’re still working on

                                                                Caliber Golf made its debut at the 2023 PGA Merchandise
                                                                Show  in  Orlando.  The  story  behind  this  21st  century
                                                                innovative  pair  of  Wright  Brothers  caught  the  media’s
                                                                attention  along  with  the  eye-catching  grip  resulting  in
                                                                many positive product reviews after the show.
            easy.  Wright sensed he was on to something, and Caliber
                                                                While  not  the  cup  of  tea  for  some  traditionalists,  like
            Golf was born.
                                                                many things in golf, the game has become more forward-
            Teaming up with his brother Chip, the pair collaborated   thinking in terms of equipment design and options.  The
            to  launch  the  company.  From  light  bulb  moment  to   grip  category  alone  has  seen  many  changes  and  much
            prototypes  to  patent  approval  to  manufacturing  and,   innovation,  most  notably  in  2009,  with  the  launch  of
            finally,  birthing  the  baby,  it  was  a  two-and-a-half-year   SuperStroke putter grips.
            process.    The  two  brothers  have  meshed  their  skill  sets
                                                                Golfers who have switched to the Caliber hockey grip and
            extremely well. Chip handles sales and marketing while
                                                                shaft  combination  have  experienced  improved  feel  and
            Tim heads up the operations, financial accounting, and
                                                                control.  Unlike  a  traditional  round  rubber  grip,  Caliber
            business management.
                                                                Golf’s  is  rigid;  the  rectangular  shape  allows  for  a  more
            “It is a team effort. There are things Chip understands that
            I don’t,” said Wright. “It’s the little things that matter. If
            you can continue to grow as a team, you’re much better off
            than working alone.”
            The  biggest  challenge  early  on  was  getting  the  grip
            approved  by  the  USGA.    Previous  attempts  to  design
            something similar by other hopeful inventors had failed.
            After hiring an engineering firm, working through several
            iterations and submissions, and getting positive feedback
            from the USGA along the way, the Wright brothers were
            By  attaching  the  putter  head  to  a  golf  shaft  suspended
            inside a carbon fiber hockey stick styled grip, the brothers
            created a grip “system” that was ruled conforming. Then
            the real fun began.
            Launching  a  golf  company,  or  any  company  for  that
            matter, is not for the faint of heart. As with many start-ups,
            there were bogies made and lessons learned, especially

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