Page 58 - Golf Champion - August 2024
P. 58


                  Club Car Continues Support for Junior Golf with

                            U.S. Kids Golf Partnership Extension

             클럽 카, U.S. 키즈 골프와의 파트너십 연장으로 주니어 골프 지원 지속

              UGUSTA,  GA  (July  26,  2024)  -  Club  Car®,  a  global   “We are honored to continue this great relationship with
          Aleader  in  innovation  and  design  for  golf  cars,  low-  Club Car,” said Dan Van Horn, the President and Founder
          speed  utility  vehicles  and  personal-use  transportation   of U.S. Kids Golf.
          announced a continued partnership as the Official Golf
                                                               “Their commitment to the families and young players is
          Car for U.S. Kids Golf and presenting sponsor of the U.S.
                                                               inspiring on many levels and makes the experience at our
          Kids Golf World Championship Parade of Nations.
                                                               World  Championships  more  meaningful  for  our  visitors
          "We are excited to partner with U.S. Kids Golf and support   from around the world.
          world-class  competitive  golf  experiences  for  children
          and  youth  during  the  25th  Anniversary  of  the  U.S.  Kids   Even more, this partnership isn’t just about their support
          Teen World Championship and the U.S. Kids Golf World   of one event, it shows their dedication to supporting the
          Championship," said Fred Palmer,                     game for generations to come.
            Vice  President  of  Golf  Business  Development  for  Club   ” Throughout the World Championships, Club Car provides
          Car. Club Car is supporting the world’s largest junior golf   cars  for  tournament  officials,  gifts  for  participants,  and
          tournaments with more than 2,300 participants from over   invites families from around the world to explore some of
          50 nations. The World Championships are held each July   the featured vehicles on site – including a first peek at a
          and August in the Pinehurst and Southern Pines area.   “seaside surprise.

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