Page 40 - Golf Champion - December 2019
P. 40
Correct Finish Chanaram(차나람) Pro
• Eagle Golf Academy
올바른 피니쉬 • (714)345-2500
n this lesson, I want to talk about the correct finish, which is mirror.
Inot too much to describe as the flower of golf swing. Finish may have different movements, but the movement that
When many amateur golfers swing, they focus only on hitting looks great is to keep the angle between the left arm and the arm-
the ball, so they often do not go all the way to finish the swing, pit at 90 degrees at the finish, as shown in the picture on the right.
and often lose their post-impact movements. And let the bottom of your left hand face the sky. If the left-hand
No matter how good your swing is, if you don’t have a good fin- side sees the front, it causes chicken wing. So the left-hand side
ish, you make a lot of mistakes because you don’t have a consis- should always face the sky, and as the body starts down-swing-
tent ball control. ing, the left-hand side should start to turn fully, positioning it to
There is a practice to keep Finishes balanced, which is the “three- fully carry its weight to the left, so that the pelvis faces the target.
second method.” For the accuracy of the impact and to prevent injuries, the torso
Stop for three seconds at the last second after hitting the ball. and head should be in straight position to create a stable finish.
If you try to hold the finish position even if the ball goes in the Those who have learned to play golf for the first time or those
wrong direction, your posture will become solid, and you can who have played golf for a long time, those who are tired of slice
achieve a stable finish by balancing it. Because the finish is the or hook, and golfers who can’t increase the distance, are all asked
result of my swing, it’s obvious that there’s a problem with down- to check out the basic swing behavior of the finish mentioned
swing or impact and follow through when my finish has a prob- above. Finish movement is not a result of imitating, but a result
lem. of good swings.
Other movements are important as well, but the finish is particu-
larly important because it is directly related to consistency and is 번 레슨에서는 골프스윙의 꽃이라고 표현해도 과하지
the only motion that stops in the swing motion. 이 않은 올바른 피니쉬에 대해 다루어 보려고 한다.
So much so that the finish plays a very important role in consis- 많은 아마추어 골퍼들이 스윙을 할때 보면 공을 맞추는 것에만
tency and accuracy, just as the finish can tell where the ball went.
So if the finish is solid, I can say that the impact is good, and if 집중하기 때문에 스윙을 하면서 피니쉬까지 나아가지 못하고
this becomes a habit, it affects the next shot positively, so the fin- 임팩이후의 동작에서 끊기는 경우가 많다.
ish should be performed beautifully even though it’s not dynamic 아무리 좋은 스윙을 하였다 하더라도 피니쉬 동작이 좋지 못하
like player’s finish. 면 구질이 일정하지 않기 때문에 실수가 많아지게 된다.
The best way to practice the finish posture is to practice in the 피니쉬의 밸런스를 잘 유지하기 위한 연습 방법으로는 3초유
공을 치고 난 후 마지막 순간에 3초동안 멈춰서 있는것이다.
Ѩ࢝ Ü Ҏঠ উ೧ 만약에 공이 이상한 방향으로 가더라도 피니쉬를 끝까지 잡고
유지하려고 노력을 해준다면 점점 피니쉬를 잡는 자세가 습관
ୡࠁ झਫীࢲ 이 되겠고 균형도 잡혀지면서 안정된 피니쉬를 하게 될수 있
다.피니쉬는 내 스윙의 결과물이기 때문에 피니쉬 동작에 문
۽ झਫө 제가 있다는 것은 분명 다운스윙이나 임팩트와 팔로스루에 문
Ҏী ҙೠ ݽٚѪ 제가 있다라고 생각하면 된다.
다른 동작들도 중요하게 다루지만 특별히 피니쉬를 중요하게
강조하는 이유는 일관성과 아주 직결적으로 연관되어있기도
(PMG -FTTPO ӣৃܻ ۽ ରաۈ ۽ 하고 스윙에서 유일하게 정지가 되어있는 동작이기 때문이다.
피니쉬를 보면 그 사람의 공이 어디로 갔는지도 알수 있는것
38 | GOLF champion