Page 32 - Golf Champion - March 2020
P. 32


         How to Correct the Step

         With Your Left Foot                                            Ali(엘리) Kim Pro
                                                                        • Eagle Golf Academy
                                                                        • (951)398-2566
         왼발 제대로 디딛는 법                                                   Youtube:pgamedia

           n today’s lesson, I’m going to talk about taking a step with the   Thirdly, as mentioned earlier, the wall is formed on the left, so
         Ileft foot at impact.                                naturally, you can control it with your left leg when you down-
         First, if you look at the meaning of the word “step,” it means to   swing. That way, the clubhead can pass through my body at high
         stand or press down on your feet.                    speed.
         The reason why I mentioned the word “step” first is because you   The problem of not doing this step (left foot) is hanging back.
         can hit the ball well with strong force only when you perform   When you downswing with a backswing, you have to hit the ball
         this movement of stepping or pressing down on your foot during   with your weight moved to the left, but with your lower body
         a golf swing.                                        moving and with your weight remaining on the right, you have to
         So we’re going to talk about the role of stepping (left foot) and the   hit and then later move your weight to the left and finish.
         advantages, the problems, and how to do it.          Another problem is that, as in the wrong picture on the left, the
         What stepping foot (left foot) does is when backswing goes to the   mindset of hitting the ball from backswing to downswing can’t
         top while addressing, the weight from the right shifts to the left,   get the left foot set, and your shoulder also rises as it rises to the
         creating a wall to the left.                         opposite.
         There are a few advantages of stepping foot (left foot) that can be   If you can’t swing with your left foot in this way, you’ll have a
         used as a counter-force because the weight on the right is defi-  hard time when you’re rounding with excessive hooks and slices.
         nitely shifted to the left.                          But if all of these parts are well-addressed, like in the picture on
                                                                                           the right, all the problems
                                                                                           can be solved.
                                                                                           Then there are some things
                                                                                           that you need to consider
                                                                                           the most to take a good step
                                                                                           on your left foot.
                                                                                           My left foot must be in a
                                                                                           position to be well-timed
                                                                                           on the backswing top.
                                                                                           In other words, when I
                                                                                           backswing, my body moves
                                                                                           to  the right  or my upper
                                                                                           body turns upside down,
                                                                                           my left leg collapses and
                                                                                           this is not the right place
                                                                                           for my left leg.
                                                                                           To step on the left side, you
                                                                                           have to be sure that the left
                                                                                           side is ready at backswing,
                                                                                           but if the body is pushed to
                                                                                           the right or the upper body
                                                                                           is turned upside down, the
                                                                                           left axis will collapse a lot,
                                                                                           so you can’t naturally press
                                                                                           the left foot no matter how

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