Page 72 - Golf Champion - March 2020
P. 72
What is the sound from the shoulder
when swinging?
골프 스윙시 어깨에서 나는 소리는 무엇일까?
hen I see patients in the clinic, I hear a lot of people say the area where the bone and Lee Woo-kyung(이우경)
Wthat their shoulders keep making noises when playing the bone meet, and because • Representative Director of the
golf. Like pitcher Ryu Hyun-jin, a major league baseball player, it holds each other tightly Inter-American Division of
many patients are worried about whether they should have sur- with strong ligaments, it is Self-developed Oriental Medicine
gery. gentle exercise and difficult Hospital
To begin with, I can say that everyone can hear a sound from to make a sound. • Oriental Medicine doctor / a
doctor of Oriental medicine
their shoulders, and strictly speaking, even from my shoulders. You shouldn’t pay special • 자생한방병원 미주분원 대표 원장
Among the numerous joints in our body, especially the shoulder attention to such sounds, • 한의사 / 한의학 박사
has a greater range of movement than other knees or elbows, so but you should consider
it is one of the joints that move freely back and forth. Especially treatment if you have lim-
when the width of a driver and long iron swings is larger than ited or pain in the range of exercise. First of all, acupuncture and
that of a short iron, chipping, or putting. physical therapy should relieve the muscle mass of the upper,
The shoulder joints are so narrow that they have a wide range of front, and inner muscles of the shoulders that are out of balance.
Also, if the curve of the spine is abnormal, the pain can be further
aggravated as swing forces the neck, waist, and shoulder joints.
Therefore, in this case, it is faster to use a combination of chiro-
practic to treat pleural disorder with too many backbones bent
or lateral sclerosis.
If you have no problems with pain or limited range of exercise,
but your shoulders keep making noises and you are bothered,
you should think twice about your usual exercise or posture. If
you play golf often, you may experience this by using your shoul-
ders too much rather than weight movement or back exercises,
and if you do bodybuilding, you should also be careful about
increasing your weight suddenly and exercise your shoulders.
Small but low pillows can cause abnormal friction in the joints
of the shoulder, even if heavy body weight is concentrated on the
exercises that they are so easy to pop that they are tightly linked shoulder during the night while sleeping on the side, and can
to the muscles of the head, neck, shoulder, upper arm, thorax, develop into mucous cystitis or tendonitis of the shoulder joint.
lumbar spine, and even ribs. This innate problem, which is some- Therefore, if you hear a sound from your shoulder, check your
what unnatural compared to other joints, is the biggest reason exercise or lifestyle mentioned above first, and if you see any pain
for the sound coming from the shoulder. or exercise restrictions along with the sound, you must visit a
Meanwhile, the sound from the shoulder does not necessarily professional medical team for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
come from the joints. Many of them occur in the space between
the wing bones and ribs, not in the joints. The musculoskeletal 료실에서 환자를 보다 보면 골프를 칠 때 ‘어깨에서 자
bone is a constant joint face with the spine, not attached with 진 꾸 소리나 난다’는 이야기를 많이 듣는다. 혹시 이미 언
a hard ligament, but rather to the neck, back, waist and ribs 론을 통해 알려진 대로 메이저 리그 야구선수인 투수 류현진
and strong and complex muscles. There is also an empty space
between the muscles and between the muscles and the ribs, 선수처럼 본인도 수술을 해야 되는게 아닌지 걱정을 하는 환
through which nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels pass, 자도 많다.
which can be heard as the tissues collide. Compared to this, the 결론부터 말하면 필자도 어깨에서 소리가 나며 엄밀히 말해서
knee or elbow has cartilage that can reduce friction at all times in 어깨에서 아무 소리도 안나는 사람은 한명도 없다고 할 수 있
70 | GOLF champion