Page 14 - Golf Champion - June 2020
P. 14
The lesson learned from COVID-19
Realizing what is important in these
코로나 19 가 준 교훈
salons, are still waiting for the right time.
소중한 것에 대한 확인의 시간들
On May 15, a Unattended golf tournament and profes-
sional baseball opened in Korea, drawing attention
from fans who had been waiting.
he United States and the world driven by the
Many sports fans, who had been frustrated and frus-
TCoronavirus have become truly a disaster.
trated at home due to the COVID-19, were all the more
As of May 20, more than 1.5 million confirmed cases
delighted to believe that the opening of the event in
have been reported and 92,000 people have died.
Korea would be a signal for the start of the world-
If this is the end, we are lucky, but we're still wary
wide sports event that will soon begin.
of meeting each other because we don't know who's
Many people who laugh and cry at the extraordinary
going to be affected by the lingering virus, and many
changes in their daily lives may have been able to feel
companies are following “stay at home” and making
gratitude and preciousness for what they have.
the least necessary contacts.
Close acquaintances who have been affected by the
The landscape of golf clubs that opened in early May
virus, Being able to meet anyone and enjoy delicious
is changing a lot.
food, golf courses, and a sports bar where anyone can
In golf courses and public areas, masks must be worn,
cheer with friends became lessons for everyone who
a distance of six feet, and when visiting golf courses,
did not know the importance of it.
employees check only the tee time at the entrance
Now I understand and accept the possibility that
and start golfing with a one-man cart.
something unpredictable can happen to anyone at any
Of course, no practice green, no driving range or
clubhouse, and the flags on the green were wrapped
So everything has a gain after losing. Just as one
with sponges around the bottom of the cup so that
stroke is important from tee shot to hole out, I think
they don't have to grab a stick, and some golf courses
living this moment is the most important time of life.
didn't even have scorecards.
I sincerely hope that the readers' health will be safe
In order to minimize golfers' contact with each other,
and that the workplace and business will remain un-
golf courses are carefully operated with various ideas.
changed, so that they will be back in place with joy.
The city, county governments and related organiza-
Publisher: Kyu Yang
tions at the National Golf Association are working
together to get everything back on track as soon as
로나바이러스가 몰고간 미국과 전세계는 그야말로 통곡
코의 땅이 되었다.
The coronavirus can be transmitted to other people
5월20일 현재 1백5십만명이 넘는 확진자가 속출하고 92,000
by young and healthy people without symptoms, and
여명이 사망했다.
it can have tremendous consequences if elders, such
이것이 끝이라면 그래도 다행이겠지만 아직도 수그러들 줄 모
as young children and parents, reside at home.
르는 바이러스의 열풍이 누구에게 닥칠지 몰라 서로가 주의하
It's not enough to say that this is uncomfortable and
고 만나기를 꺼려하고 많은 기업들은 집에서 머물며 최소한의
frustrating, but in general, all citizens are following
필요한 연락들 만을 취하며 하루하루를 이어가고 있다
the government's recommendations, highlighting
5월초 겨우 개장한 골프클럽의 풍경도 많이 바뀌어 가고 있다.
their civic spirit.
골프장이나 대중이 많은 곳에서는 마스크를 반드시 착용해야
Now that some of the surrounding businesses have
하고 소셜 거리인 6피트의 거리두기를 해야 하며 골프장을 방
opened, face-to-face industries, including beauty
문하면 입구에서 직원들이 티타임만을 확인하고는 일인 일 카
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