Page 30 - Golf Champion - June 2020
P. 30
3 Golf Grip Types
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n golf, the way to grip a club is a very basic and very finger of the left hand and the pinky finger of the right
Iimportant part. hand in a pinch. It's a perfect grip for a golfer with a
The first thing you learn how to grip is the first step of small hand or a weak hand, but it's also famous for
playing golf. Rory McIlory’s grip, who beat “the golf emperor” Tiger
Woods to become number one in the world.
When you first learn, It feels awkward and uncomfort- It's good to get the feeling of fingers sticking to the grip
able to grip. Still, you have to hold the grip firmly to and hitting the ball.
make the ball's direction and swing powerful, so it is
important to select the grip that suits you and practice Third, baseball grip.
it steadily to make it yours. Just like holding a baseball bat, without overlapping
left and right hands, the thumbs of both hands are
There are three types of grip. the same as the above two grip methods, but the other
First, overlapping grip. eight fingers are all held close to the grip. This grip is a
The overlapping grip is a grip that places the right pin- stable grip and is usually used by people who have very
ky finger in the middle of left index finger and middle weak grip strength, and the disadvantage is that the
finger to keep the right hand's strength and bring both right hand can bend the ball to the left when swinging.
hands together.
This is usually the most com- Finally, the grip strength. Many golfers
monly used grip type, which is don't know how much power they need
suitable for strong right-hand to grip.
golfers. If you grip too strong, the swing itself
From the golfer's side, the left collapses and only uses arms, and if you
hand doesn't look like it's covered grip too weak, the grip becomes loose,
by the right hand, but turn the causing the ball to lose direction and
left thumb slightly to the right club control. So when you grip, you
of the centerline of the club and have to hold it so that your hands con-
make the right shoulder point in nect with the club.
the shape of a V made by the in- In other words, the grip strength of the
dex finger of the left hand. right hand and left hand should be the
Same thing goes for the right hand grip. The V shape same as 50:50.
made by the thumb and index finger can be held to The grip strength may vary slightly from golfer to golf-
point with my left shoulder. er.
It's better not to use more force than squeezing a tooth-
Second, interlocking grip. paste.
The interlocking grip is a method of grasping the index Loosen up! Easy with the grip! Relax your shoulders!
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