Page 58 - Golf Champion - July 2020
P. 58



         클리브랜드 RTX ZIPCORE 소개

          그 안에 있는 중요한 것

               UNTINGTON  BEACH,  Calif.  –  June  30,  2020  –   The foundation of RTX ZipCore is a unique, low-densi-
          HCleveland Golf is proud to announce their latest    ty core that sits at the heart of the wedge. This ZipCore
          flagship wedge, the RTX ZipCore. Cleveland Golf’s RTX   makes  you  better  by  shifting  the  center  of  gravity,
          ZipCore will launch in North America on Aug. 14, 2020.  while also boosting High-Low MOI for more stability
          RTX ZipCore is both radically new and ultra-familiar.   high and low on the wedge face. The result is that Zip-
          On the inside, its new core has unlocked design free-  Core  puts  more  impacts  on  the  sweet  spot  for  more
          doms pushing the performance beyond any wedge in     consistent spin, distance and feel on every shot.
          Cleveland Golf’s history. Yet on the outside, the sleek   Furthermore,  RTX  ZipCore  features  Cleveland’s  new
          yet  traditional  design  is  familiar  and  inspires  confi-  UltiZip  Grooves.  Compared  to  previous  generations,
          dence at address.                                    UltiZip  Grooves  are  11%  sharper  and  7.3%  deeper,
          "Cleveland  wedges  are  always  just  beautiful  looking   while also being 7.4% closer together for more groove
          clubs,  and  this  one  is  no  different,”  said  2019  Open   contact  area.  The  combination  and  optimization  of
          Champion Shane Lowry. “They're very traditional and   these  factors  ensure  that  RTX  ZipCore  generates  in-
          I just love them. You need to be able to trust what your   creased  spin  and  consistent  spin  performance  from
          wedges are going to do, and RTX ZipCore does every-  any condition on the course.
          thing I need it to do. I couldn't ask for anything else in   To preserve the lifespan of our grooves, RTX ZipCore
          a wedge."                                            also features a new heat treatment to boost durability

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