Page 63 - Golf Champion - July 2020
P. 63
TR20 440
manufacturer of PAN-based carbon fibers used in a va- driver models that were marked as “advanced devel-
riety of applications like aerospace and aeronautics) opment” product and slated for future market release.
with a lightweight carbon sole on a highly engineered Based on the innovation construction and use of ma-
titanium frame that locates weight and structure ex- terials he convinced the team this was a breakthrough
actly where they are needed for speed. A unique vari- design that needed to be refined and green-lit. McGin-
able thickness and vertical groove face saves weight ley added the strut and adjustable weight elements and
and works with the Ti frame and carbon body to de- locations to the prototype the takumi had designed
liver even more ball speed. Three adjustable weights and the wheels were in motion for one of the fastest
are strategically located to optimize the CG location driver designs on the market.
for high MOI, low spin or draw biased performance Every company touts pleasing aesthetics as a selling
allowing the golfer to achieve their optimum launch point of their driver lines, but with Honma, beauty
conditions and preferred ball flight. is born through a unique process. The TR20 460 and
“TR20 is our 2020 ‘Tour Release’ line and while these 440 came to life, like every Honma driver and fairway
drivers are designed to perform exceptionally for the wood, in the hands of a seasoned takumi (Japanese
game’s most elite players, amateurs stand to gain the craftsman) as a large, single block of Mississippi per-
most, in terms of speed, feel and distance,” says Hon- simmon wood that was meticulously shaved and hand-
ma President John Kawaja. “Classic, sleek contours in crafted into the desired, actual-size clubhead shape.
the head design inspire confidence at address while Once that wooden model is perfected with precision
the TiCarbon Fast Frame enables efficient speed and angles, curves and lines, its scanned digitally and
power swing after swing. With drivers, you know al- brought into the CAD environment for engineering.
most immediately when a model successfully delivers Honma them employs state-of-the-art technology and
performance across the board and that’s the feedback cutting-edge materials to bring out the performance
we’ve been getting on the TR20 460 and 440, which is and beauty into an unprecedented design.
exciting and a great testament to our company’s tal-
ented people, unique process and technical expertise.” THE DETAILS
The fine details set the TR20 460 and TR20 440 apart. Each TR20 model comes in base lofts of 8.5, 9.5 and
From the molded ribs in the ET40 crown, to the fast 10.5 degrees that can be adjusted up or down by one
and weight optimized face, to the innovative combina- degree through a patented, non-rotating hosel system
tion of carbon body and efficient frame, to the master that adjusts both loft and lie while keeping the opti-
craftsman hand shaped profiles, TR20 drivers exem- mized shaft spine in a consistent position for every
plify Honma beautifully crafted performance. adjustable setting for more consistent performance.
Both drivers feature three strategically-located and ad-
THE ORIGIN STORY justable sole weights to provide flight and playability
On a trip to Sakata two years ago, McGinley was shown preference for increased MOI, reduced spin, or more
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