Page 66 - Golf Champion - July 2020
P. 66
골프로 무릎이 아프다면 이런 운동이 좋다
Representative Director
of the Inter-American Division of
Self-developed Oriental Medicine Hospital
Oriental Medicine doctor
/ a doctor of Oriental medicine
Lee Woo-kyung
자생한방병원 대표원장
이 우경
somewhere, or standing there for a long time is not
good either. Even if you walk in place, it is necessary
to change your posture often. Rather than just looking
forward like a mannequin because your neck hurts,
doing a soft stretch is a shortcut to a quick recovery.
But things are different when your knees hurt. In this
s I work at a hospital specializing in spine and case, walking or running is almost impossible because
Ajoints, more than half of the patients I see usually of the pain, and everyday life at home is also very in-
have neck and back disc problems. However, the second convenient. In this case, there is little exercise that pa-
most common patient with such a disc is patients with tients can do, which can lead to considerable depres-
knee pain. In particular, many golf players complain sion. Also, if you don't move at all and stay still for a
knee pain while playing golf a lot. few weeks, you won't be able to disperse the weight on
Unlike the neck and waist, patients with knee prob- your knees as your calves, hamstring and thigh mus-
lems have their own characteristics. If your neck and cles shrink, and it won't stabilize your knee joints. In
back hurt, you can live your daily life without using this case, even if the pain in the knee improves later,
that part, but if your knees hurt, because you have to it is easy to recur due to degenerative arthritis and
go to the bathroom every day, cook in the kitchen, go hemispheric cartilage inflammation at a time when
to work, and go to the second floor to sleep, you can't the muscle mass supporting the knee joint is minimal.
help but use your knees. Unless you're in a wheelchair, Therefore, rehabilitation exercise should be done with
you can't use them. In addition, unlike South Korea, in great care. The exercise I recommend to the patient
the U.S. golfers have to drive their cars and press brake is walking in the water. You don't have to swim. If you
continuously to go to the market, so they keep using work out in a situation where your body is floating to a
their knees. certain extent and move forward through the current,
In the case of the neck and back, it is common to rec- you can train your thighs and calf muscles without any
ommend continuous walking for rapid recovery. Espe- pressure on your knees. The second recommended
cially if your back hurts, sitting still for a long time exercise is the thigh exercise in a chair in the fitness
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