Page 70 - Golf Champion - July 2020
P. 70


                         Over 60 Percent of U.S. Households Have

                                     Responded to 2020 Census

                    Internet Response Option Preferred by Majority of Households

                          미 전체 가구의 60%가 2020년 센서스 인구조사에

                                            인터넷 응답 방식을 선호

              esponses to the 2020 Census are on track as more   Census invitation packets at front doors in areas where
          Rthan 60% of U.S. households have responded to the   the majority of households do not receive mail at their
          2020 Census, with approximately four out of every five   home.  About  5%  of  households  are  counted  during
          households that responded on their own choosing to   this operation, known as Update Leave, where census
          do so online at Current internet self-  workers confirm or update a household’s physical lo-
          response rates are 9.2 percentage points above Census   cation address and then leave a census questionnaire
          Bureau  projections,  as  households  continue  to  favor   packet.
          online to phone and mail in responding to the census.  The health and safety of Census Bureau staff and the
          In a video message, Census Bureau Director Dr. Steven   public is of the utmost importance. All returning staff
          Dillingham  thanked  people  for  responding  to  reach   will receive safety training on social distancing proto-
          this  milestone  and  encouraged  those  who  have  not   cols  and  be  provided  personal  protective  equipment
          responded  to  help  shape  their  future  for  the  next  10   before restarting operations.
          years.                                               The Census Bureau’s online response rates map shows
          In mid-March, most households received an invitation   response rates by state, city, county and census tract.
          in the mail to respond to the 2020 Census, followed by   As of May 25, 2020:
          multiple reminders and a paper questionnaire. Census
          takers are scheduled to visit households that have not   Madison, Wis., is the city with the highest internet self-
                                                                  response rate.
          yet responded to the 2020 Census beginning in August.   Minnesota and Utah have the highest internet response
          Beginning the week of May 4, in coordination with fed-  rates among states.
          eral, state and local health officials, the Census Bureau
                                                               The 10 states with the highest self-response rates are:
          began a phased restart of some 2020 Census field oper-  1.    Minnesota                  70.0%
          ations in select geographic areas. As part of this phased   2.    Wisconsin              67.4%
                                                                  3.    Iowa                       66.9%
          restart, the Census Bureau resumed dropping off 2020

         70   |                                          |
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75