Page 49 - Golf Champion - August 2020
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To date, nearly 10,000 athletes have created a profile,   National  Championship,  JGH  will  provide  every  par-
           while more than 1,000 members of JGH have gone on    ticipant with valuable benefits available exclusively to
           to play golf at an NCAA DI, DII, DIII or NAIA school.   Premium members.
           The current collegiate database consists of 2,300 men’s   To learn more and sign up today, download the Junior
           and women’s golf programs.                           Golf Hub App in the App Store or Google Play Store.
                                                                The Hub can also be accessed at www.juniorgolfhub.
           For Players and Parents                              com.
           JGH starts with a LinkedIn-style profile for both ath-
           letes  and  college  programs.  Golfers  can  tailor  their   About Junior Golf Hub
           searchable  profiles  to  include  athletic  measurables   Junior  Golf  Hub  (JGH)  is  the  leading  online  commu-
           such as verified tournament scores, swing speed, tour-  nity for junior golfers, their parents and college coach-
           nament schedules and academic information such as    es,  offering  a  modern,  easily  accessible  website  and
           GPA, test scores and academic honors. For those still   mobile  app  that  simplifies  and  streamlines  the  col-
           seeking  their  perfect  fit,  JGH  has  a  “Find  a  College”   lege  golf  placement  process  for  prospects.  JGH  pro-
           function with filters that narrow down results based   vides a one-of-a-kind tool to help players and parents
           on  the  program’s  scoring  average,  acceptable  test   navigate  the  confusing  journey  to  college  golf,  while
           scores, tuition, majors offered, size of enrollment and   helping college coaches discover and connect with top
           more. College golf hopefuls will receive push notifica-  talent.  Prided  on  innovation,  advanced  technology,
           tions when a collegiate program starts following them   big-picture thinking and operating at the cutting-edge
           on the app.                                          of the golf industry, JGH’s team includes a top PGA pro-
           JGH also offers a vast library of resources designed as   fessional, former Division I collegiate golfers, a state
           a step-by-step guide to the college golf recruiting pro-  amateur champion and season business professionals,
           cess through its blog, HitTheLinks, and the Essential   focused on adding value to members across the world.
           Guide. The Essential Guide covers key milestones and
           topics, including communication with coaches, schol-       지필드, 코네티컷 주 – 주니어 골프 허브(JGH) – 주니어
           arship  breakdown,  research  tips,  a  rules  and  regula- 리골프 허브는 주니어 골프 여정을 통해 부모와 선수가 이
           tions guide and more.                                동하면서 성장과 발전을 추적할 수 있도록 돕는 한편, 대학 골프
                                                                의 길에 오르는 주니어 골프를 위한 도구와 교육도 제공하는 최
           For College Golf Coaches                             신 버전의 모바일 앱의 런칭 을 발표한다.
           Coaches can utilize the platform to find prospects and
           keep track of performance throughout a golfer’s sea-  주니어 골프 허브의 설립자인 로저 닉은 "대학 골프 리쿠르팅 과
           son. In the age of COVID-19, the app provides an out-  정이 골퍼, 학부모, 대학 코치 모두 COVID-19로 인해 악화되었
           let for coaches who’s travel might be limited to view a   다"이라고 말했다. “새롭고 개선된 앱은 선수와 코치를 연결하
           player’s profile containing verified stats, videos, swing   는 오늘날의 솔루션이며 혼란스러운 과정을 탐색하려는 부모와
           data,  performance  goals  and  more.  Using  robust  fil-  선수들에게 귀중한 자료가 되기도 한다”.
           ters, coaches can search based on academic success,
           geographic  location,  scoring  average,  rankings  and   현재까지 약 10,000명의 선수들이 프로필을 생성했고, 1,000명
           more. Coaches also receive push notifications if there   이상의 JGH 회원들이 NCAA DI, DIII, NAIA 학교에서 골퍼로
           is a change to the profile of player they are following.   활약했다. 현재의 대학 데이터베이스는 2,300개의 남녀 골프 프
           The new app also gives college coaches the opportu-  로그램으로 구성되어 있다.
           nity to market their programs to their target audience.
            JGH is helping to grow junior golf by partnering with   선수 및 학부모
           leading  junior  tournaments,  including  the  AJGA,   JGH는 선수와 대학 프로그램 모두를 위한 링크드인 스타일의
           HJGT,  Peggy  Kirk  Bell  Junior  Golf  Tour  and  over  25   프로필로 시작한다. 골프 선수들은 검증된 토너먼트 점수, 스윙
           PGA  Sections.  As  presenting  sponsor  of  all  regional   속도, 토너먼트 일정과 같은 경기 측정 자료와 내신, 시험 점수,
           qualifying events for the Notah Begay III Junior Golf   학업 성적과 같은 학업 정보를 포함하도록 검색 가능한 프로필

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