Page 35 - Golf Champion - January 2021
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right, set up left and ride the wind,
and vice versa.
Several players, including Billy
Mayfair, Mark Calcavecchia, and
Ernie Ells said to shorten up on your
swing a little and club up. (lower
Loft) Shorten up on the grip to gain
more control.”
The best thought were from Duffy
Waldorf and Jon Vegas who agreed
“focus on hitting solid shots and
making good contact! the wind
doesn’t affect a well-struck ball as
much as a weak strike.”
Better still, get together with your
PGA Pro for a session and some
first-hand advice on how you can
do better in the wind, or contact me
and play better when heavy winds shots. direct at bob@oldeschoolgolfschool.
are forecast, I would like to offer Shorten up on your clubs for control com
some tried and true tips on how to and learn to use lower lofted clubs.
play better in the wind, and enjoy the Hit a 7 where you would normally hit 쿡은 최근 셔우드 컨트리 클럽에서
game of golf more. an 8 or 9 iron. 존 열린 인베스코 챔피언십에서 탄탄
The general idea is to accept the 한 쇼트 게임을 만드는 방법에 대한 조언
conditions, learn to adjust, and Around the greens, focus on staying 을 알려주었다. 이 귀중한 팁은 벤 호건, 바
take satisfaction in using some of solid, balanced, and get the ball on 이런 넬슨 및 켄 벤투리로부터 전해지는
these ideas to perform better during the ground rolling like a putt as soon 팁이다. 그리고 이제 존 쿡은 우승자와 토
difficult playing conditions. First of as possible. Chip and run shots will 너먼트 마무리를 하는 골프 채널 인터뷰와
all, dress warm, stay loose. Be aware respond much more consistently, 골프 채널 학습 센터 부분을 제작하는 바
that the standards will change and and be dramatically less affected by 쁜 일정에도 불구하고 지금까지 최고의 플
scores will generally be higher due the wind than high lofted pitch shots. 레이를 할 수있는 사람들로부터 얻은 지식
to the adverse conditions. Practice I have had the opportunity recently 을 제공 할 수 있어 기뻤다. 그는 올드 스쿨
in the wind on occasion, so you will to ask several PGA Tour players to 영혼을 가지고 있으며 PGA 챔피언스 투어
learn how to deal with it. Learn to give their advice on the subject, and 에서 클래스, 성격 및 기부 정신의 훌륭한
use it and account for it. Hit balls here are some pearls of wisdom from 예시다. 내가 존 쿡에게 그의 쇼트 게임 팁
into the wind, downwind, and the world's best players. 에 대해 물었을 때 그는 이런 생각을 했다.
crosswind. How else can you prepare Hideki Matsuyama and Jasper “상황은 변하지 않았다. 쇼트게임은 항상
and become familiar with it? Trial, Parnevik, both shared “Respect the 단단한 기본 있어야 한다. 과거의 위대한
error, and experience are your best wind and keep it low. Try to swing 선수들에게 보였던 연습과 습관에 대해 연
teachers!! smooth and don’t force it. Using less 구할 시간을 투자하라.”
First of all, keep the ball down! Use lofted clubs whenever possible will
less lofted clubs and good rhythm. make this easier to accomplish and “훌륭한 선수가 되고 최고 수준에서 경기
The wind will not affect a low shot minimize the wind’s effects.” 하는데 필요한 것을 바꿀 새로운 이론은 없
ball as much as higher ball flight. Matt Kuchar added, “ learn to use or 다. 태양 아래 새로운 것은 없다. 좋은 선수
Next, swing smooth and don't force ride the wind. The wind is a constant 가되는 가장 좋은 방법은 정확한 정보를 얻
the shots. Less spin lends control, force that can be counted on to 고, 뛰어난 선수를 관찰하고, 우리보다 높
higher spin accentuates the effect influence the shape of your shot. 은 수준에서 플레이 한 사람들의 공통점을
of the wind and exaggerates offline DON'T fight it!”If it's blowing left to 찾는 것이다.”
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