Page 44 - Golf Champion - November 2021
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                                골프의 현대화된 아마추어 자격 규칙 발표

             IBERTY  CORNER,  N.J.  USA  AND  ST  ANDREWS,          ● Distinguishing  between  scratch  and  handicap
          LScotland (Oct. 26, 2021) - Golf’s new Rules of Amateur   competitions  in  terms  of  the  prizes  that  may  be
          Status have been published by the USGA and The R&A        accepted.
          ahead of their January 1, 2022, effective date.           ● The  prize  rule  applies  only  to  tee-to-hole
          The  work  is  the  latest  step  by  the  governing  bodies  to   competitions played on a golf course or a simulator,
          make  the  Rules  easier  to  understand  and  apply  and   but no longer apply to long-drive, putting and skills
          follows the modernization process of the Rules of Golf    competitions that are not played as part of a tee-to-
          in 2019. The new Rules were informed by golfer and golf   hole competition.
          industry feedback as a part of a comprehensive review, to     ● Eliminating  all  advertising,  expense-related  and
          ensure they continue to reflect how the modern game is    sponsorship restrictions.
          played by millions of golfers around the world.
          This  review,  along  with  the  global  feedback  received   The  new  opportunities  provided  by  lifting  sponsorship
          when  the  proposals  were  publicly  shared  earlier  this   restrictions  and  the  ability  to  accept  prize  money  up
          year, reaffirmed amateur golf’s important position in the   to  the  increased  limit  of  $1000  or  £700  in  scratch-only
          game and the value in maintaining amateur status Rules.  competitions will be of significant benefit to elite amateur
          The  result  is  a  set  of  Rules  that  removes  many  of  the   golfers looking for ways to fund golf-related expenses.
          restrictions  that  previously  applied  to  amateur  golfers,   “Golf is unique in its broad appeal to both recreational
          while ensuring that the integrity of the game is protected   and competitive players,” said Craig Winter, USGA senior
          by limiting the form and value of the prizes an amateur   director,  Rules  of  Golf  and  Amateur  Status.  “This  was
          golfer can accept.                                   emphasized in the feedback we received earlier this year
                                                               and  we  believe  these  updates  will  help  simplify  these
          As  part  of  the  modernization  effort,  the  new  Rules   Rules  and  ensure  the  long-term  health  of  the  amateur
          identify only the following acts that will result in a golfer   game, not only to those who compete at the highest level
          losing their amateur status:                         of amateur golf, but for the millions of golfers at every
                                                               age and skill level who enjoy competitive events at their
               ● Accepting a prize with a value exceeding the prize   home courses.”
               limit  ($1000/£700)  or  accepting  prize  money  in  a   Grant  Moir,  Director  of  Rules  at  The  R&A,  said,  “We
               handicap competition.                           are delighted to be rolling out the modernized Rules of
               ● Playing as a professional.                    Amateur Status today. These Rules play an important role
               ● Accepting payment for giving instruction (although   in protecting the integrity of our self-regulating sport, but
               all current exceptions still apply, such as coaching   the code must evolve to meet the needs of the modern
               at  educational  institutions  and  assisting  with   game.  This  is  particularly  important  for  modern  elite
               approved programs).                             amateur golf, where many of the players need financial
                                                               support to compete and develop to their full potential.
          Accepting  employment  as  a  golf  club  professional  or   The new Rules give them this opportunity and will help
          membership of an association of professional golfers  to make the game even more inclusive.”
                                                               The new Rules are accompanied by guidance notes, an
               ● To achieve this simplified approach, the following   overview  document  and  explanations  that  detail  the
               key changes have been introduced:               rationale for why changes have been made and, in some

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