Page 64 - Golf Champion - November 2021
P. 64
Improvements made to 2020 Census data collection provides a more
accurate depiction of how Asian Americans self-identify
2020년 센서스 인구조사: 아시아계 미국인 인구에 초점
개선된 2020년 센서스 인구조사 데이터 수집은 더욱 정확하게 아시아계 미국인의 정체성을 확인
하는 방법 제공
he U.S. Census Bureau continues to release Texas, South Carolina, Montana, and Utah.
Tinformation from the 2020 Census in order to provide
rich information about the changing population of the The new data reflects changes in the population and the
United States. From the apportionment counts data in improvements in how the Census asked the questions
April to the redistricting data in August, each data set and captured and coded the responses, a process that
from the 2020 Census has progressively unveiled insights has changed nearly every decade throughout the history
about the Asian American community. of the Census to reflect social, political and economic
According to recent redistricting data results from the
2020 Census, there was a noticeable increase in the “We’ve made several design improvements to the race
Asian-specific populations. Over 24 million people question for the 2020 Census based on the research
(7.2% of the total population) identified as “Asian alone over the past decade,” said Rachel Marks, Branch
or in combination.” “Asian alone” refers to people who Chief, Racial Statistics Branch at the Census Bureau’s
reported Asian and did not report any other race. “Asian Population Division. “One of the major changes was
alone or in combination” consists of those respondents adding dedicated write-in response areas and examples
who reported Asian, whether or not they reported any for the ‘White’ and the ‘Black or African American’ racial
other races. categories, and we also added examples to the ‘American
Indian or Alaska Native’ racial category. [For] the
The Asian alone population grew by 35.5% between 2010 Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
and 2020. Approximately 19.9 million people (6% of all categories, we reordered the detailed Asian and Native
respondents) identified as Asian alone in 2020, up from Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander checkboxes by
14.7 million people (4.8%) in 2010. population size. And in the Native Hawaiian and Other
Pacific Islander category, we changed the checkbox
In comparison, the Asian in combination population grew category ‘Guamanian or Chamorro’ to ‘Chamorro’ based
by 55.5%. Approximately 4.1 million people identified as on feedback and research.”
Asian in combination in 2020, up from 2.6 million people
in 2010. Approximately 2.7 million people identified as The changes provide a more thorough and accurate
Asian and White, making it the largest Multiracial Asian depiction of how people self-identify. The re-ordered
group. checkboxes for Asian and Native Hawaiian or Pacific
Islander by population size are: Chinese, Filipino, Asian
Hawaii, California, Washington, Nevada, New Jersey, Indian, Other Asian (for example, Pakistani, Cambodian,
New York, Virginia, Alaska, Massachusetts, and Maryland Hmong, etc.), Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Native
were the states with the largest percentages of the Asian Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamorro, Other Pacific Islander
alone or in combination populations. The 10 states with (for example, Tongan, Fijian, Marshallese, etc.).
the largest percentage increase in the Asian alone or in
combination population are North Dakota, South Dakota, In order to provide the public with detailed information
Nebraska, District of Columbia, North Carolina, Indiana, more frequently, data that were historically collected only
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