Page 70 - Golf Champion - November 2021
P. 70


          of  the  MRI  scan  procedure  are  often  not  performed   If  there  is  no  improvement  in  symptoms  despite  these
          immediately, so in many cases, such a neck disc cannot be   treatments, the basic procedure in orthopedic surgery is
          diagnosed immediately. In this case, there are symptoms   to reduce inflammation caused by nerve compression by
          such as numbness in the arms, but the MRI cannot be   injecting steroids into the affected area.
          taken, so the diagnosis is not apparent. However, since
          people are the same and the symptoms are the same, we   In this case, I focus on securing a space for the nerve to
          know  empirically  that  even  if  the  symptoms  of  a  neck   pass by relieving the induration of the muscle pressing on
          disk  improve  somewhat,  most  of  them  will  definitely   the nerve in a short time with Motion Style Acupuncture
          recur later and suffer more.                         (MST),  reducing  the  symptoms  and  at  the  same  time
                                                               requesting chiropractic treatment. More fundamentally,
          It cannot be concluded that all patients with numbness   it is necessary to prescribe herbal medicines that reduce
          in the arm have a cervical disc. However, as mentioned   inflammation caused by compression and help the rapid
          above, the symptoms persist for more than 4 weeks, and   recovery  of  damaged  spinal  nerves  to  very  effectively
          the  symptoms  persist  throughout  the  day  rather  than   inhibit the recurrence of neck disc. No matter how well
          only when doing a specific task. We recommend that you   the symptoms are improved, in modern society, you can't
          do an MRI first. For reference, MRI scans are not exposed   live without playing golf and a smartphone or computer,
          to radiation like X-rays, but are relatively harmless to the   so these treatments are necessary.
          body because they use large powerful magnets.
                                                                     추, 관절 전문 병원에서 지난 12년간 진료를 계속하면서
          If you are diagnosed with a cervical disc through MRI,  척이와 관련한 수많은 환자를 보아 왔다. 그 중에서도 상당
          it is easy to think that surgery to remove the protruding   히 흔하게 보이는 것이 바로 팔 저림이다. 의외로 골프 연습을 심
          disc is not enough for the general patients. However, the   하게 한 뒤에 이런 팔 저림이 오는 경우도 상당히 있다. 일반적으
          neck is more difficult to operate than the waist, so it is   로 목에서 시작되는 저림이 어깨를 거쳐서 팔로 쭉 내려가는 찌
          not easily recommended by orthopedic surgeons. Unlike   릿찌릿한 통증이 계속된다. 이 증상이 갑자기 시작되는 경우는
          the waist, the neck has a very dense collection of nerves,   많지 않고 처음에는 강한 드라이버 샷이나 롱 아이언 샷 이후에
          blood vessels, muscles, and ligaments, and if you do not   목이 좌우로 잘 돌아가지 않는 불편한 느낌으로 시작되다가 점
          touch the cervical nerves that go down the entire body, a   차 날개 뼈 사이의 등쪽으로 내려가거나 겨드랑이 쪽으로 증상
          major accident can occur. Since this cervical disc is not   이 퍼지기도 한다. 심한 경우에는 팔 옆이나 뒤쪽을 거쳐 팔꿈치
          a  malignant  tumor  that  is  directly  related  to  life,  there   까지 내려간다. 대부분의 환자들은 처음에 ‘담이 결렸다’고 생각
          is  no  reason  to  perform  surgery  while  taking  general   하면서 대수롭지 않게 생각하다가 결국 증상이 악화된 뒤에 병
          anesthesia while taking this risk.                   원을 찾는다.

          Therefore, in most cases, oriental acupuncture, western   한국에서는 한방병원 지하에 MRI 센터가 바로 있기에 이런 환자
          chiropractic,  and  physical  therapy  are  generally   들의 대부분이 당일에 바로 촬영을 한다. 내 경험상 이경우 80%
          performed  for  a  few  weeks  first,  and  even  this  alone,   이상의 환자들은 목 디스크 탈출 진단을 받는다. 목 뼈 사이에 있
          more than 50% of patients show sufficient improvement.   는 디스크가 뒤나 옆쪽으로 밀려나와서 척추 신경을 눌러서 담

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