Page 62 - Golf Champion - December 2021
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Complimentary expert indoor golf simulator consulting
for private clubs and their members
Clarity.Golf 프라이빗 클럽 서비스 시작
프라이빗 클럽 및 회원에게 실내 골프 시뮬레이터 전문가 무료 컨설팅
olland, Ohio - Clarity.Golf, which recently is very much worth his time. “Not all of the customers
Hcommenced the business of providing free indoor purchase sims, but we make friends every time, and even
golf consulting and in aggregating indoor golf simulators, though we work on extremely low margins when we
has now launched a focused division to serve private golf aggregate systems we manage our overhead well and it
clubs and their members. works great for us.”
“Private clubs are moving more and more to setting Bales feels that the average customer can save tens of
up indoor golf facilities, including practice bays and thousands, and is targeting the private clubs and their
simulators. We have twenty years of experience tied to members because that's where the high-end market
the installation of over 4,000 simulators and our model expansion is taking place. It helps that Bales has had
involves providing free in-depth consulting on the memberships at numerous prominent golf clubs over his
planning and acquisition of indoor golf products”, said sixty-eight years so is very comfortable in that milieu.
Bill Bales, Clarity.Golf founder and President. Bales was the founder of AboutGolf, reputed to be the
“What we've seen for years, and are seeing today, is most innovative and groundbreaking indoor simulator
a lot of spending on consulting and design, deficient company in history, including the introduction of phased
planning, and a surprisingly consistent lack of ability array radar tracking and machine vision to the industry.
to obtain the right knowledge from which to make He knows his stuff.
intelligent design and buying decisions”, said Bales. “In About Clarity.Golf
the past, we've needed to fit round pegs in square holes Clarity.Golf ( is a new golf technology
because of previously compromised designs driven by company focusing on the world of launch monitors,
incorrectly planned physical spaces. We've designed simulators, and related technologies. Clarity.Golf's
simulator screens bisected by a large beam (in a $100 team is made up of prime movers within the indoor golf
million house), very narrow installations set on an angle industry. Clarity.Golf intends to educate the markets
(the only possible way to make it work), and installations about the realities of the industry, the technologies, and
making significant sacrifices in space. One guy built a the cost structures. Bill Bales can be reached directly:
room but when we showed him the sim wouldn't work
there he had it installed in his living room. His wife
didn't like that. 하이오주 홀랜드 - 최근 무료 실내 골프 컨설팅 제공 및
“We're working with one customer now who is knocking 오실내 골프 시뮬레이터 통합 사업을 시작한 Clarity.Golf
down concrete walls in new construction to correct a 는 이제 개인 골프 클럽과 회원에게 서비스를 제공하는 집중 부
design error. We will absolutely always prevent these 문을 시작했다.
issues, and can ensure the buyer gets the best design at “프라이빗 클럽은 연습장과 시뮬레이터를 포함한 실내 골프 시설
the best price. An installation we just finished planning 을 설치하는 쪽으로 점점 더 많이 이동하고 있다. 우리는 4,000개
provides a far more elegant and robust overall system for 이상의 시뮬레이터 설치와 관련된 20년의 경험을 가지고 있으며
about $25,000 less (about half) than the client was going 우리 모델은 실내 골프 제품의 계획 및 구입에 대한 심층적인 무
to pay before we got involved.” 료 컨설팅을 제공하는 것을 포함한다."라고 Clarity.Golf의 설립
Bales states that putting a concerted effort to provide very 자이자 사장인 빌 베일스는 말했다.
thorough input and advice to simulator customers for free "우리가 수년 동안 보아왔고 오늘날 보고 있는 것은 컨설팅 및 설
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