Page 65 - Golf Champion - December 2021
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highly  contagious  Delta  variant,  1  in  5  new  COVID-19   including older families who may live with them.
           cases  have  been  in  children  and  sometimes  they  have
           serious and long-term health effects.                Where can I find a vaccine for my children?
                                                                Vaccines  for  kids  ages  5  and  older  are  now  available
           What are the side effects for children?              through  a  range  of  providers,  including  pediatricians,
           It’s  very  unlikely  that  COVID-19  vaccines  will  cause   family  doctors,  children’s  hospitals,  pharmacies,
           long-term health problems. The risk for serious health   and  community  health  centers.  More  than  25,000
           problems  due  to  the  vaccine  is  lower  than  the  risk   pediatricians and primary care providers have enrolled
           of  health  problems  if  they’re  unvaccinated  and  get   to  administer  vaccines,  and  the  numbers  are  growing.
           COVID-19.  COVID-19  can  leave  children,  as  well  as   Tens of thousands of local pharmacies across the country
           adults, with heart and lung damage and other conditions   in  the  federal  pharmacy  program  offer  vaccination  for
           that  require  long-term  treatment.  The  benefits  from   kids  ages  5  through  11,  as  well  as  for  adolescents  and
           COVID-19 vaccines outweigh any potential risk from the   adults. COVID-19 vaccines are given at no cost.
           vaccine. Getting your children vaccinated will give them
           the strongest possible protection from COVID-19.     For more information and to find a vaccine, visit www.
           Why should children get the vaccine now?
           Vaccines are now available to protect more kids as they    재 미국 내 5세 이상인 모든 분은 COVID-19 백신 접종 대
           prepare to gather with family during the holidays, spend  현상입니다. 자녀의 COVID-19 백신을 접종 여부를 결정해
           more  time  indoors  due  to  cold  weather,  and  continue   야 하는 부모와 보호자 분들은 백신에 관한 질문이 있을 것입니
           going  to  school  in  person.  Children  who  are  getting   다. 본 자료를 숙지하시고 자녀의 COVID 백신 접종에 관한 결정
           sick from COVID-19 can also spread the virus to others,   을 내려야 할 때 궁금한 점에 대한 답을 얻으세요.

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