Page 70 - Golf Champion - December 2021
P. 70


          In order to recover from the damage to the ligaments or   8 weeks. Paraffin therapy is effective as physical therapy,
          joints in the area, the body's immune substances should   which is a therapy in which heat is transferred to every
          heal in the area, and swelling occurs right away. If you   corner of the joint of the little finger by immersing the
          have arthritis like this, you can't grip the club properly   hand  in  candle  wax  melted  with  warm  heat.  However,
          because  of  the  swelling,  so  you  instinctively  use  more   when using it, people with rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or
          force  on  your  hands  and  arms,  and  the  distance  and   diabetes should avoid it.
          accuracy all get worse.
                                                               In  traditional  Chinese  medicine,  acupuncture  is  used
          In the early stages of such arthritis, only swelling of the   to  reduce  joint  pain.  In  fact,  through  several  studies,
          joint appears, but if it lasts and does not heal well, the   acupuncture  reduces  joint  pain  to  the  same  extent  as
          joint  itself  is  deformed.  Due  to  degenerative  changes,   Celebrex,  and  experimentally,  the  effect  of  reducing
          the bones constituting the joint become uneven. When   pain  transmitters  can  be  confirmed.  However,  since
          it  gets  worse,  it's  like  the  old  movie  E.T.  Like  the  alien   acupuncture  is  not  a  medicine  to  be  taken,  the  great
          hand  in  the  movie,  the  knuckles  of  the  fingers  are   advantage  is  that  there  is  no  gastrointestinal  disorder
          thickened outwardly. This is a bone deformity caused by   at all. In addition to acupuncture, herbal prescriptions
          degenerative arthritis. Since this deformity is a new bone,   can  have  a  greater  effect.  Among  herbal  medicines,
          it will not return to normal no matter what medications   Sukjihwang,  Cheongung,  and  danggui,  etc.,  help  to
          and physical therapy you take in the future. In very severe   generate synovial fluid that reduces friction between joint
          cases, surgery may be considered, but in this case, there   movements.  In  this  way,  if  you  receive  and  administer
          are too many things to treat, and even after surgery, the   herbal  medicines  according  to  the  patient's  symptoms
          bone grows back later, so it is rarely done.         and  circumstances,  you  can  more  fundamentally  treat
                                                               degenerative arthritis.
          In  fact,  such  degenerative  arthritis  is  generally  treated
          with  various  procedures  or  medications.  In  both      프 스윙에서 중요한 것 중 하나가 바로 그립이다. 필자가
          countries,  analgesic  and  anti-inflammatory  drugs  골잘 알고 지내고 있는 최경주 프로도 같이 플레이를 하면
          such  as  Celebrex  are  administered  to  reduce  pain  and   서 골프 스윙에 대해서 물어보면 항상 강조하는 것은 바로 ‘그립’
          inflammation.  Although  this  can  reduce  pain,  the   이다. 플레이어의 몸과 골프클럽을 이어주는 곳은 다리도 허리도
          disadvantage  is  that  most  patients  experience  gastritis   어깨도 아닌 바로 손이며 이 손으로 클럽을 어떻게 잡느냐 하는
          and gastric ulcers if they are administered for more than   것은 골프 스윙에 있어서 결정적일 수밖에 없다. 가장 안정적인

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