Page 70 - Golf Champion -Apr 2021
P. 70
In addition, as the body becomes stiff, the pain worsens, smoking and drinking are excessive, degenerative changes
so you should drink enough 6 to 8 cups of water a day occur rapidly. Not only does it take special treatments or
in addition to meals. If you consume enough water, the special medicines to cure it, but it is possible to cure the
possibility of cartilage wear is very reduced because there disease with three meals of the usual food, or to create a
is enough fluid in the joints. Eating a lot of blue-backed disease that does not exist. I hope that you will not forget
fish also helps. Fish such as mackerel, herring, salmon, the common truth that eating is all of your health, and
and sardines contain omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, save your precious joints above all else in the long-living
which have special effects in suppressing inflammation era.
throughout the body and at the same time strengthen
blood vessels to prevent diseases such as myocardial 프 엘보우를 포함한 각종 관절염은 요통만큼 흔하면서 또
infarction or heart attack. Red wine is also helpful for 골한 환자의 삶의 질을 급속하게 나쁘게 하는 대표적 질환
arthritis, which has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and 중에 하나이다. 팔목, 팔꿈치, 고관절, 무릎, 발목 관절이 아프면
antioxidant effects. However, if you drink more than two 일단 야외 활동이 매우 제한이 되고 좋아하는 골프도 거의 못하
glasses of wine a day, acetaldehyde interferes with the 게 된다. 여행도 가기 힘들고 가족이나 친구 집에 방문하고 싶어
blood supply to the joints and puts a burden on the liver, 도 엄두가 안 난다.
joints, and brain cells.
그런데 실제로 진료실에서 관절염으로 고생하는 사람들을 보면
Arthritis does not occur only in the elderly over the age of 60% 정도는 실제로 과도한 운동이나 일 때문에 발생한다. 무언
70. Even in the twenties and thirties, when eating habits, 가를 들고 옮기는 일을 하다가 무리해서 무릎을 다치기도 하고 하
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