Page 58 - Golf Champion - July 2021
P. 58



                                       STABILITY TOUR2 POLAR

                   가장 세련된 안정성 퍼터 샤프트 - Stability Tour2 Polar

              allas, TX – Breakthrough Golf Technology introduces   realized they can do the same with Stability”.
          Dthe  newest  tour  preferred  putter  model  designed
          with a crisp, clean look.                            Polar will come with a tactile, soft touch coating that won’t
                                                               scratch, corrode or discolor. Using tour player input, it’s
          Stability Tour 2 Polar is another option in the arsenal of   built with high modulus graphite, which creates a soft,
          Stability shafts, which provide tour proven performance   responsive feel that’s perfect for putting.
          with exceptional accuracy and control.
                                                               Polar, as with all Stability models, has a patented design
          Stability  Tour2  Polar  is  built  on  the  same  great   which fits all modern putters, regardless of bend profile-
          performance as Stability Black, which has a streamlined,   straight, single or double. Polar will sell for $299.99 and
          slim look preferred by better golfers. It will balance like a   be available in golf stores and on breaktrhoughgolftech.
          steel putter shaft, allowing any putter to be built to exact   com June 15.
          specifications of even the most demanding golfers.
                                                               About Breakthrough Golf Technology
          Barney  Adams,  states  “We  wanted  to  give  golfers  more   Breakthrough  Golf’s  state-of-the-art  facility  utilizes  the
          choices  and  still  offer  the  same  great  performance   latest  technology  to  develop  and  bring  to  market  the
          benefits of our tour model.  As we all know, golfers have   finest,  most  precise  shafts  available.  Founder  Barney
          been upgrading their driver shafts for years and now have   Adams,  who  has  always  had  the  unique  ability  to  see

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