Page 54 - Golf Champion - July 2021
P. 54



                         ELECTRIC GOLF CARTS TO U.S. GOLFERS

             Decolt Grand, 미국 골퍼들에게 럭셔리 모듈식 전기 골프 카트 출시

              EL MAR, CA – June 24, 2021– Decolt Grand USA, the   it's  like  having  your  own  caddie,”  said  Mark  Myrhum,
          Dluxury brand of lightweight, motorized modular golf   exclusive  partner  of  Decolt  Grand  USA.  “Whenever  I
          carts, is introducing the Decolt Grand Electric Golf Carts   golf now, people stop me to ask about Decolt Grand and
          to U.S. golfers. The Decolt Grand carts are in stock now   several have purchased one immediately after seeing it.
          and available for shipping in the U.S. and Canada.   In  my  opinion,  it’s  really  the  biggest  Innovation  in  golf
                                                               carts and bags ever!”
          Made  from  the  highest  quality  materials,  Decolt  Grand
          is  a  lightweight  complete  modular  system  which  gives   A  well-thought-out  ergonomic  design  makes  the  Decolt
          golfers the opportunity to modify it based on their needs.   Grand system extremely compact with plenty of storage
          The complete system weighs in at 23.8 lbs. as configured   space.  The  clubs  are  easily  accessible  and  intuitively
          as  the  Electric  3-wheel  cart,  and  can  also  be  used  as  a   arranged and don’t hit each other during play or during
          manual 3-wheel cart, 2-wheel cart for the driving range,   transport. The low center of gravity also ensures excellent
          or the bag only in a riding golf cart.               stability on uneven terrain. The Decolt Grand is reliable
                                                               in any weather and includes a waterproof remote control.
          “It’s the ultimate experience in luxury performance and

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