Page 41 - Golf Champion - August 2021
P. 41

bars.  So  EVERY  putter  SIK  makes  is  the  same  as  Tour
           players receive.                                     Due  to  the  high  demand  and  custom  nature  of  their
           All  SIK  putters  are  made  to  spec.  This  means  SIK  does   putters,  the  Satin  Heads  have  a  3-4  week  build  time
           not pre-build putters. The putter you choose is built for   and the Matte Black Heads have a 4-6 week build time.
           you. SIK makes custom putters, and as a result, all their   The new Matte Black finish is applied in the USA and is
           putters are built to order. Simply stated, SIK starts with a   exceptionally thin, so it does not affect the face grooves
           raw steel head, which is then configured with a raw steel   or DLT Technology in any way. The finish also does not
           hosel  and  bead  blasted,  hand  painted,  shafted,  specs   change  impact  feel,  so  players  can  choose  from  the
           adjusted (loft and lie), and then cut and gripped.   traditional chrome or Matte Black options freely without
           The DW is basically the Pro aesthetic (classic Anser style)   consideration of performance impact.
           from address, with double the width. This allows for the   Bryson’s  Arm  Lock  putters  are  also  available.  For
           advantages of a mallet (MOI) with the look of a blade. The   additional details on all SIK putters, besides visiting their
           head weighs 390                                      website, you can email SIK at
           neck.                                                $399.00 - $605.00
           Their  USP  (Unique  Selling  Proposition)  is  their  DLT
           Technology  (Descending  Loft  Technology)  milled  face
           technology. It really works! There's a four degree change   터는 프로 레벨에서 우승의 키이며 모든 주요 회사(오디세
           in loft from the top (which has the most loft at 4 degrees)  퍼이, 스카티 카메론, 핑 및 테일러메이드)는 투어 선수가 퍼
           to the bottom (which has the least loft at 1 degree).   터를 사용하도록 큰 돈을 지불하지만 소규모 회사(엑시스, 디렉
                                                                티드포스, SIK, 베티나르디, 및 시모어)는 투어에서 작은 존재이
                                                                다. 퍼터의 경우 그립, 무게 및 모양이 퍼팅 스트로크에 영향을 미
                                                                치므로 퍼터에 맞게 조정해야 한다.

                                                                엑시스1 로즈 퍼터
                                                                이 퍼터는 당신의 나이를 불문하고 좋은 퍼터이며, 퍼팅 스트로
                                                                크를 줄여줄 것이다. 엑시스 퍼터는 100% 완벽하게 균형을 이루
                                                                고 토크가 없다.
                                                                엑시스1 로즈는 세라믹 비드 블라스트 마감 처리된 303 스테인리
                                                                스 스틸로 만든 350g, CNC 밀링 헤드이다. 2.5도의 로프트와 69

           DLT  delivers  consistent  launch  angles  regardless  of
           shaft lean at impact which leads to more consistent and
           predictable rolls.

             When  your  shaft  is  pressed  at  impact  the  ball  contact
           will be higher on the face, same is true in reverse. DLT
           delivers consistent launch angles from putt to putt which
           lead to more consistent and predictable rolls.
            SIK putters are available in blade, mallet, and high MOI
           blade designs.

           SIK  heads  are  available  in  Plumber's  Neck,  Slant  Neck,
           or Post Neck (Double Bend). Satin and Matte heads are
           available.                                           도의 라이각을 가지며 스테인리스 스틸 샤프트를 사용한다.

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