Page 58 - Golf Champion - January 2022
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We Can Do This COVID-19 Public Education Campaign:
함께 이겨냅시다 COVID-19 공공교육 캠페인:
연말연시를 즐겁고 안전하게 보내는 네 가지 방법
ntering the second holiday season of the COVID-19 In addition to getting vaccinated and/or boosted, people
Epandemic, we are all eager to reconnect with family can take these steps to ensure they safely enjoy family,
and friends and return to treasured holiday traditions. friends, and special connections they may have missed
Some simple steps can keep family and friends healthy recently, even as people from different households and
through their fall and winter celebrations. different parts of the country gather.
As generations gather to celebrate, the best way to avoid Assess travel plans. Consider delaying travel until you’re
spreading COVID-19, including to grandparents, young fully vaccinated. Remember, masks that cover your
children, and others who may be vulnerable, is to make nose and mouth are required for everyone on planes,
sure everyone who is eligible gets vaccinated against buses, trains, and other public transportation. If you’re
COVID-19. Children 5-11 are the most recent group unvaccinated, plan to get tested one to three days before
eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine. your trip within the United States and three to five days
Booster shots are also now available to all vaccinated after you return. Plan to self-quarantine for seven days,
adults 18 and older. Get your booster at least six months even if the test is negative. If you travel by car, be aware
after your second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine that you and your travel companions could be exposed
or two months after your single dose of the Johnson & to the virus on stops for gas, food, and bathroom breaks.
Johnson vaccine. You may choose any of these three Remember to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently,
COVID vaccines to receive as your booster, since your and maintain social distancing at these locations. If
booster shot doesn’t have to be the same vaccine you travelling internationally, especially to locations where
received before. vaccination rates are low and COVID-19 is spreading, visit
Like the initial dose(s) of the COVID-19 vaccine, boosters the CDC’s website for recommendations on international
are free to everyone living in the U.S. They are readily travel.
available both by appointments and walk-in visits, and Get tested. If you’ve been in close contact with someone
no insurance or identification is required to receive your who has COVID-19, or if you’re not feeling well before
booster shot. Learn more at the holidays, especially if you have COVID-19 symptoms,
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