Page 14 - Golf Champion - June 2022
P. 14



                                        INDUSTRY AS A WHOLE

                         골프 산업 전반에 불어 닥친 어려움을 극복 하는 지혜

                                                                                                Publisher Kyu Yang
                                                                                                      발행인 양규철
               etting back to normal life is getting faster           development  of  the  digital  industry  over  the
          Gand  faster.  People  who  have  been                        past  several  decades,  many  organizations,
          impacted  by  the  COVID-19  are  returning                     including  the  American  Golf  Association,
          to their jobs. The hard times that we had                        have made a lot of investment and efforts to
          endured  for  a  long  time  was  overcame                       prevent the decline in the golf population.
          together, and everyone finally won.                              I believe that there should be an honest and
          This year, golf tournaments are returning                       more sincere effort by the golf industry. In
          to  normal,  and  they  are  heading  back  to                 order to popularize golf and expand the base
          where  they  were.  However,  the  aftermath  of             of the golf population, I believe that everyone in
          inflation  caused  by  the  Ukraine  crisis  and  high   the golf industry should have a responsibility and a
          prices is affecting the overall golf industry.       mission.
          The price of golf clubs has increased by more than 20%   It  may  require  difficult  times  to  understand  the  true
          based  on  new  products,  and  the  prices  of  all  products   value.
          have  also  increased,  making  it  impossible  to  even   Even  in  the  midst  of  a  frenzied  period,  it  should  be
          know when they started. Golf courses are no exception.   clearly  understood  that  many  exemplary  practitioners
          It is not only difficult to catch a tee time, but also the   who  work  quietly  at  their  positions  will  contribute  to
          inconvenience that consumers experience due to price   the development of golf around the world, and that such
          increases  and  poor  service  quality.  There  are  many   sincerity  will  eventually  become  a  great  force  to  help
          places where unorganized fairways and greens are left   develop their business. Even if prices rise and labor costs
          behind, and there are golf course owners and managers   are unavoidable, I believe that sincere service and effort
          who take golf as an opportunity to make a fortune.   with heart will be the driving force to actively cope with
          In  Korea,  Golf  population  is  increasing  rapidly.  This   and overcome difficulties that may come in the future.
          situation  is  more  serious  and  the  level  of  problem  is   Consumers will also need to practice golf etiquette and
          rising,  so  consumer’s  complaints  are  at  their  worst.   pay close attention to the management of the golf course
          While  Kakao  Golf  simulation  products  including  Golf   by  cleaning  up  the  divot  and  prevent  the  golf  course
          Zone  distributed  all  over  the  country  helped  the  golf   from being damaged. And I hope that it will serve as an
          population grow, many golf courses cannot keep up the   wakeup call for golf industry workers that showed lack
          hype.  In  addition,  the  demand  for  public  golf  courses   of service that consumers felt, which always can come
          is  low,  and  golf  tourism  mecca  such  as  Thailand  and   back around.
          Vietnam  are  closed  due  to  COVID-19.  Golfers  have  no   Now,  I  sincerely  hope  that  this  will  become  a  turning
          choice but to pay high golf fees to find golf courses, and   point  for  further  development  in  the  future  of  golf,
          more and more people start give up playing golf from the   recognizing  that  everyone  is  responsible  for  the  golf
          golf industry’s unfriendly price and courses.        industry and golf consumers in general.
          If  you  look  at  this  series  of  events,  it  will  not  only  go
          against  original  purpose  of  public  and  municipal  golf   상의 회복의 시간들이 점점 빨라지고 있다.
          courses started for sports promotion and resident sports   일코로나로 짖눌려 있던 국민들이 제자리로 돌아가고 있
          facilities,  but  will  also  lead  to  disastrous  results  of   다.
          returning back to pre-COVID golf population.         정말 오랜시간을 참고 견디어 왔던 최악의 어려움의 시간이 모
          As  the  golf  population  continues  to  decline  due  to  the   두가 함께 이겨냈고 모두가 마침내 승리했다.

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