Page 66 - Golf Champion Magazine - Korean English
P. 66




                        한인 시니어들이 마련한 장학기금 모금 골프대회 성황

                                해마다 발전하는 라구나 우즈 한인 골프회

              he  annual  friendly  golf  tournament  organized  by  the   amidst  tHe  Pristine  WeatHer,  tHe  ParticiPating  members  enjoyed
          TLaguna  Woods  Korean  Golf  Association,  aimed  at   a deLigHtfuL day riding tHeir oWn goLf carts in tHis meaningfuL
          raising funds for North Korean defectors' scholarships, took   annuaL tournament.
          place on June 29th at Laguna Woods Village Golf Club.  during tHe aWards ceremony, President Ki-Pyeong song stated, "i
          Hosted  by  tHe  Laguna  Woods  goLf  association  (President  Ki-  am gratefuL to aLL tHe members for tHeir unity and cooPeration in
          Pyeong  song),  tHe  event  attracted  over  150  Korean  goLf  cLub   maKing tHe Laguna Woods Korean association a Harmonious and
          members WHo ParticiPated in tHe tournament. estabLisHed 24 years   joyfuL toWn centered around goLf. tHis event, esPeciaLLy for tHe
          ago,  tHe Laguna Woods Korean association  in orange county,   scHoLarsHiP  fund  for  nortH  Korean  defectors'  cHiLdren,  HoLds
          caLifornia,  Has  seen  an  increasing  number  of  Korean  retirees   significant meaning. Let's continue to maKe Progress as a goLf cLub
          settLing  in  tHe  area  due  to  its  exceLLent  WeatHer  and  PLeasant   tHat deveLoPs furtHer as time goes by."
          surroundings.                                        tHe entire Proceeds from tHe event WiLL be deLivered tHrougH tHe
          tHe  senior  community  boasts  a  27-HoLe  member-excLusive  goLf   Laguna  Woods  Korean  association  to  suPPort  scHoLarsHiPs  for
          course, WHere over 2,000 Korean residents ParticiPate in goLf and   cHiLdren of nortH Korean defectors.
          various Programs, fostering a modeL retirement toWn KnoWn for
          its beautifuL friendsHiPs and successfuL retiree Life.  Laguna  Woods  in  orange  county,  caLifornia,  is  a  sPeciaLized

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