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or frogs, meaning We maintain a stabLe body temPerature. WHen bLood becomes excessiveLy diLuted. tHerefore, WHen PLaying in Hot
tHe externaL temPerature is abnormaLLy HigH, our autonomic PLaces during summer, it is essentiaL to reguLarLy rePLenisH fLuids.
nervous system increases Heart rate, diLates PeriPHeraL bLood drinKing beverages tHat contain eLectroLytes or consuming saLty
vesseLs, and oPens sWeat gLands to enHance Heat dissiPation. snacKs can be HeLPfuL.
desPite tHese efforts, if dizziness and fatigue Persist and body tHese days, eLectroLyte PoWder sticKs tHat contain an aPProPriate
temPerature continues to rise, it can Lead to HeatstroKe. amount of sodium and beneficiaL vitamins are WideLy avaiLabLe in
tHe easiest Way to avoid tHese symPtoms is to seeK cooLer areas. tHe marKet. adding tHem to tHe Water you drinK maKes it even
HoWever, if it is not PracticaLLy PossibLe, using an umbreLLa or more convenient and effective. on tHe otHer Hand, it is imPortant
Wearing a Hat WitH a Wide brim to minimize direct sunLigHt can to avoid beverages LiKe strong coffee or energy drinKs tHat
be quite HeLPfuL. even tHougH it may be uncomfortabLe, it is contain caffeine, as tHey Have a diuretic effect tHat deHydrates
strongLy recommended to carry an umbreLLa WHen PLaying goLf in tHe body furtHer. it's WortH noting tHat some energy drinKs
tHe summer. it is mucH more effective tHan a Hat tHat PartiaLLy often HigHLigHt tHe vitamins on tHeir ingredient LabeLs WHiLe
bLocKs sunLigHt. additionaLLy, to LoWer body temPerature, it is conceaLing tHe significant roLe PLayed by caffeine in stimuLation.
recommended to Wet a toWeL WitH Water, LigHtLy Wring it, and drinKing severaL cuPs of strong iced americano or energy drinKs
WraP it around tHe necK LiKe a scarf. due to tHe anatomicaL at once in Hot WeatHer can actuaLLy Worsen Heat exHaustion.
structure of our body, tHe necK is WHere major arteries fLoW, as for HeatstroKe mentioned earLier, it occurs WHen body
aLLoWing for quicK reduction of body temPerature in summer by temPerature rises above 40 degrees ceLsius (104 degrees
cooLing tHis area. simiLarLy, in Winter, KeePing tHis area Warm faHrenHeit) desPite tHese efforts, and it is an extremeLy dangerous
WitH a scarf or otHer cLotHing items can easiLy Prevent coLdness. situation tHat can cause damage to tHe brain itseLf. tHerefore,
WHen body temPerature rises, our body maKes an effort to LoWer if you exPerience severe dizziness, decreased motor function in
it tHrougH evaPorative cooLing, WHicH invoLves tHe reLease of sPeecH or Limbs, nausea, or disorientation WHiLe PLaying in Hot
moisture. tHat's WHy We sWeat ProfuseLy. HoWever, excessive PLaces, you must immediateLy stoP PLaying goLf and seeK rest in
sWeating can Lead to tHe excessive excretion of eLectroLytes, a cooL area. in fact, since individuaLs may not be aWare of sucH
incLuding saLts, resuLting in fatigue and dizziness. tHis is actuaLLy conditions tHemseLves, it is imPortant for comPanions to observe
Heat exHaustion caused by eLectroLyte imbaLances ratHer tHan any unusuaL beHaviors, sucH as sLurred sPeecH or confusion, and
directLy reLated to body temPerature. simPLy Put, it's WHen our taKe immediate action. even WHen PLaying in tHe Hot summer,
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