Page 70 - Golf Champion - August 2024
P. 70


                Sciatica: Understanding the Cause to Find the Cure

                                  좌골신경통, 원인을 알면 치료할 수 있다

                                                                 Woori Kyeonghee Oriental
                                                                 Medicine Clinic
                                                                 Oriental Medicine doctor / a doctor of
                                                                 Oriental medicine
                                                                 우리 경희 한의원 한의사 / 한의학 박사
                                                                 Lee Woo-kyung

                                                               buttocks, pain naturally occurs along the nerve’s path in
                                                               the buttocks, thighs, and calves.
                                                               Possible  causes  include  herniated  discs,  degenerative
                                                               discs,  spinal  stenosis,  spondylolisthesis,  and  piriformis
                                                               These issues may involve problems with the discs, which
                                                               are cartilage between the vertebrae, the bones themselves
                                                               compressing  the  nerve,  or  the  piriformis  muscle  in  the
                                                               pelvis pressing on the nerve.

                                                               To  accurately  identify  the  cause,  simply  knowing  the
                                                               location  of  the  pain  is  insufficient;  an  X-ray  or  MRI  is
             ciatica,  often  simply  referred  to  as  "sciatica,"  is  not
                                                               needed for a precise diagnosis.
          Sactually  the  name  of  a  disease.  It  is  a  term  used  to
          describe  the  symptom  of  pain  that  extends  from  the   Therefore,  appropriate  diagnosis  based  on  symptoms  is
          buttocks down the leg.                               essential for treating sciatica.

          Just as common symptoms like stomach pain can result   There are cases where a person, suspecting a herniated
          from conditions such as gastritis, ulcers, acid reflux, or   disc  based  on  symptoms  alone,  undergoes  risky  disc
          stomach  cancer,  sciatica  describes  a  visible  symptom   surgery only to find the sciatica persists.
          rather than the underlying cause.                    Subsequent detailed examination reveals the actual cause
          This  condition  often  prevents  people  from  playing  the   to be piriformis syndrome.
          golf they love. Even a slight pain in the finger or minor   Conversely, some focus solely on initial pain relief without
          discomfort  in  shoes  can  disrupt  a  swing,  making  it   addressing  the  underlying  cause,  leading  to  worsening
          especially difficult to play golf with sciatica.     nerve damage and potentially causing leg paralysis.

          The ischium is a large bone in the buttocks, and the sciatic   If motor function deterioration and sensory nerve paralysis
          nerve is a relatively large nerve, roughly the thickness of a   continue  for  a  long  time,  even  intensive  treatment  may
          thumb, that passes inside the ischium.               come too late, leaving permanent aftereffects, so caution

          This nerve branches out from the spine in the lower back,   is necessary.
          passes through the ischium, and continues down to the   Except for the less than 5% of cases where severe nerve
          thigh,  behind  the  knee,  and  into  the  calf.  Therefore,  if   compression causes increasing leg weakness or bladder
          something  compresses  this  nerve  in  the  lower  back  or   and  bowel  dysfunction,  the  remaining  95%  of  sciatica

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