Page 63 - Golf Champion - January 2020
P. 63
Rendering aerial of SoFi Stadium
Vets. This donation will be announced Founders Club is a 14,000 square-foot
today at the stadium site, when Pechan- premium club space within the stadium
ga, SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park, that is located on field level. The space
Rams and Chargers host a complimen- will be creatively branded throughout,
tary shopping experience for 50 homeless and guests will be up close to all the ac-
and/or at-risk veterans through U.S. Vets tion happening on the field.
to give them needed items ahead of the “We are proud to be the first Southern
holidays. The vets will receive items such California-based Founding Partner with
as blankets, socks, umbrellas, hats and SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park,” said
more. Pechanga’s efforts in Inglewood Jared Munoa, President of the Pechanga
echo the millions of dollars the casino/ Development Corporation. “This is a
resort has given over the years to the local natural partnership between two of the
communities it is involved in throughout top entertainment destinations in South-
and Hollywood Park. Pechanga is the the Southern California region. ern California. We can’t wait for fans to
first Southern California-headquartered “We are building a global destination experience the new Pechanga Founders
company to announce a sponsorship with that will be the pinnacle of sports and Club and a lot of the other great ameni-
SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park. live entertainment,” said Jason Gannon, ties here.”
“We are thrilled to partner with the managing director, SoFi Stadium and Fans coming to SoFi Stadium will inter-
Chargers and the Rams, and to be a part Hollywood Park. “Pechanga is a company act with the major resort/casino’s brand
of SoFi Stadium,” said Tribal Chairman that not only shares Stan Kroenke’s vision across many areas and levels of the sta-
Mark Macarro. “This isn’t just a Los An- to build a world-class facility and fan- dium, including an 11,500 square-foot
geles stadium, it’s a Southern California first development with Hollywood Park, activation zone on level 8. The activation
stadium, and Southern California has al- but also shares our passion for our sur- zone will provide special branding and
ways been and will always be our home. rounding communities. When our doors experiential opportunities for Pechanga
We are especially proud to be able to help open in July, we look forward to working to utilize for guests. Pechanga has long-
local students and people in need with the alongside Pechanga to create memorable standing partnerships with the Los An-
grants we announced today.” guest moments and to give back to our geles Lakers and the Los Angeles Angels
In honor of the holiday season and as a Southern California home.” and has naming rights with the Pechanga
new member of the Inglewood commu- Pechanga will have an extensive presence Arena in San Diego.
nity, Pechanga tribal leadership is donat- across the stadium, and when SoFi Sta- “Pechanga’s commitment to serving the
ing $100,000 to Morningside High School dium opens in July 2020, it will feature se- community while striving to maintain
in Inglewood and the Inglewood chapters lect Pechanga-branded spaces, including its reputation as a best in class resort/ca-
of non-profits School on Wheels and U.S. the Pechanga Founders Club. Pechanga sino is exactly what you hope for when it
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