Page 64 - Golf Champion - June 2020
P. 64
Golfer's secret injury,
pain in the sole
골퍼의 숨은 고민, 발바닥 통증
he body part furthest away from the head is the
Tfoot. But if there is a problem there, the whole Representative Director
body will suffer. Yet, most of the time we don't take it of the Inter-American Division of
Self-developed Oriental Medicine Hospital
so seriously when the foot hurts. In particular, if you Oriental Medicine doctor
want to play golf, you have to walk a lot and to swing / a doctor of Oriental medicine
Lee Woo-kyung
big, both feet must support the ground accurately and
firmly, but if you have the pain, you can't do anything. 자생한방병원 대표원장
이 우경
Many of these footpad pains come from plantar fas-
ciitis. plantar fasciitis is an injury that causes inflam-
mation of the pharyngeal fascia, which surrounds the
muscles of the soles from the heel bone. Inflammation weight. In particular, when you first step forward in
here refers to 'swelling' which is different from the the morning, the heel and soles of your feet are severe-
symptoms of pus. The fascia absorbs the impact of the ly pulled and painful, and the inside of your heel is
sole of the foot and helps lift the foot when walking, often severely painful. When you lift your toes toward
main reasons for this injury are due to the arches of the top of your feet, the pain can get worse and more
painful when you move than when you stay still.
Plantar fasciitis is relatively common in men because
most of them are caused by incorrect exercise posture
or excessive exercise, and even in women, it can easily
occur even if they usually do excessive exercise or wear
flat shoes or high heels frequently. Therefore, it is nec-
essary to control the amount and intensity of exercise
so as to avoid uncomfortable shoes and avoid stress on
the sole of the foot being lower than normal or higher the soles of the feet. In addition, if excessive exercise
than normal pes cavus, or excessive exercise and over- or being overweight is the cause, you should try to do
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