Page 66 - Golf Champion - June 2020
P. 66


          enough stretching before exercising and maintain an   naturally. Therefore, due to the high risk of developing
          appropriate weight.                                  chronic  pain  and  frequent  recurrence  of  symptoms,
          A common exercise at home is to massage a concave    proper treatment and steady management are needed
          area in the soles of your feet with a tennis ball. You can   rather than neglect. Oriental medicine provides rapid
          sit down and hold the ball with your hands and rub it,   control of pain and prevention of recurrence of symp-
          or you can stand up and step on the ball and press it.   toms by directly stimulating the plantar fascia through
          This helps relax the 'arch', a concave area in the middle   acupuncture treatment twice a week to help heal the
          of the sole of the foot.                             plantar fascia, reduce inflammation of the entire body,
          As  mentioned  above,  this  pain  comes  from  "inflam-  and help regenerate ligament damage.
          mation"  and  one  should  be  careful  in  the  diet  of  ev-
          eryday life. The most common causes of inflammation        리와 가장 멀리 떨어져 있는 신체 부위는 바로 발이다.
          in the spine and joints are drinking alcohol and smok- 머그런데 여기에 문제가 생기면 몸 전체가 고생을 하게 된
          ing. The common way of drinking  beer during or af-  다. 하지만 우리는 여기가 아프면 그렇게 심각하게 생각하지 않
          ter golf continues to cause inflammation and so does   는 경우가 대부분이다. 특히 골프를 치려면 많이 걸어야 하고 큰
          cigarettes.  There  are  more  than  enough  sodium  and   스윙을 위해서는 반드시 양 발이 땅을 정확하고 단단하게 지지
          saturated fat in sandwiches and hamburgers that are   해주어야 하는데 여기에 통증이 있으면 아무것도 못하게 된다.
          commonly seen at golf courses, which worsen various   이러한 발바닥 통증의 상당수는 족저근막염에서 온다. 족저근
          inflammation such as plantar fasciitis and arthritis.  막염이란 발뒤꿈치 뼈(종골)에서 부터 발바닥 근육을 감싸고 있
                                                               는 족저근막(Plantar Fascia)에 염증이 생기는 질환이다. 여기
          Plantar fasciitis can improve symptoms without special   서 말하는 염증이란 고름이 나오는 감염증과는 다른 ‘붓기’를 말
          treatment, but it takes about six to 18 months to heal   하는 것이다.  족저근막은 발바닥이 받는 충격을 흡수하고 걸을

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