Page 48 - Golf Champion - July 2020
P. 48
Eliminate the Left Side of the Course
코스 왼쪽을 버려라
’ve spent quite a few recent lessons working with target at impact. There are great players whose club-
Iplayers who start their shots right of their intended face rotates open dramatically throughout the swing,
target line. The ball either explodes left (and often and there are players whose clubface is closed to the
bends even more left), or is hit weakly as the hands target line at the top of the swing. The key is that the
adjust and try to correct the swing and “fade” or “slice” clubface is square at impact. Don’t take a swing any
the ball back toward the intended target. Both are bigger than one you can take and still square the face.
disastrous outcomes: pull hooks long and left or weak One of my teachers would hit his driver during warm-
fades short and right. Worse, I believe that these shots up with tiny swings, one after the other, building the
cause players to compound their errors by swinging length of the swing until he started noting the face not
less aggressively, lining up incorrectly, and creating staying square. And that length of swing became what
unnecessary anxiety that leads to poor performance. he took to the course. He didn’t try to swing harder or
bigger. He found the maximum length swing he could
Here are a few thoughts to help you transition to an make and still square the clubface. I highly recom-
aggressive swing that eliminates the left side of the mend practicing and warming up in the same manner.
course. The clubface’s importance cannot be overstated, and
to keep the ball on the fairway and away from the left
The most critical element for any shot is how square side of the course, it must be aimed at the target, and
the clubface is to the target. Eliminating the left side away from the left side of the fairway.
of the target requires that the clubface be square to the
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