Page 23 - Golf Champion - October 2021
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my swing. He was very encouraging and complimented   I am usually hungry again. I will work out hard, but I will
           me often and I felt good. That kept me going in golf and   eat hard as well.”
           he  bragged  to  others  about  me,  and  it  made  me  work   With this week’s THE CJ CUP @ SUMMIT in Las Vegas
           hard. I remember my mother was a violin teacher and   being a “home” game for Lee and the other Koreans in
           she tried to teach me which did not go well. When she   the  field  –  the  tournament  is  being  played  outside  its
           asked me to practice a piece 10 times, I haphazardly did it   traditional  home  in  Korea  for  the  second  straight  year
           without any concentration. Golf was different. It was fun   due to the pandemic – Lee hopes to hit the jackpot again
           and I could go on for hours.”                        to get his 2021-22 Season going.
                                                                “Last season was the best and I couldn’t be more ecstatic.
           Within  a  few  years,  Lee’s  exceptional  talents  saw  him   It was my best year on the golf course, and we had a baby,”
           being  part  of  the  gold  medal  Korean  Team  at  the  2010   said Lee, who welcomed the arrival of his first child, a
           Asian  Games  in  China,  which  exempts  him  from   baby girl named Celine Yuna Lee, in July with wife, Joo
           mandatory  military  service.  He  turned  professional   Yeon Yu.
           soon after and amassed two victories each on the Korean   “I’m looking forward to the new season, and the goal will
           Tour and Japan Golf Tour from between 2012 to 2016. He   be  to  have  another  victory  and  getting  myself  into  the
           subsequently took the big leap of faith to America and   top-50 in the world. Playing for Korea, representing the
           qualified for the Korn Ferry Tour in 2016 and two years   International Team in the Presidents Cup next year would
           later, three runner-up results saw him secure his dream   also be a huge ambition. I’m trying to focus on winning
           PGA TOUR card which Lee cherishes, largely due to the   and if I can get into the top-50, it would probably assure
           sacrifices and support of his parents through the years.  me of a spot in the Presidents Cup. I would be honored
           “Like  everyone  else,  my  parents  sacrificed  a  lot.  They   beyond  measure  to  represent  my  country,”  added  the
           supported  me  with  everything.  They  never  told  me  to   Korean,  who  finished  31st  on  the  FedExCup  standings
           quit even when my game was not going well. My father   last season.
           wanted  to  be  a  baseball  player,  but  his  parents  were
           against  it.  Since  he  could  not  do  what  he  wanted,  he   경훈의 골프 출발점을 돌이켜보면, 그는 테드 올가미 스윙
           decided to support his son, me,” said Lee, who is the only  이코치와 함께 게임을 배운 뒤 PGA 투어에서 스타덤에 오르
           child.                                               게 한 운명의 반전에 감탄할 수밖에 없다.
           “He  encouraged  me  and  helped  in  every  way  possible.   지난 5월 이경훈는 AT&T 바이런 넬슨에서 우승한 후 투어에서
           He was there since the beginning. We would go abroad   8번째이자 가장 최근의 한국인 우승자가 되어 그의 입지를 확고
           to  practice  every  winter  and  he  was  my  chauffer  to   히 했다. 그리고 이 모든 것은 포환던지기 운동선수로서 처음 체
           tournaments. When my father was with me on the Korn   중 감량을 시도하는 13세의 지역 연습장으로의 첫 출발로 시작
           Ferry Tour, he had a difficult time with the food. It was   되었다.
           difficult to find a decent Korean or Asian restaurant in   “아버지가 식당을 하셨고 옆집은 연습장이었다. 나는 재미로 그
           the countryside and I remember he had his tooth pulled   를 따라 갔고 결국 레슨을 받았다. 그곳에 가서 살을 빼는 것이 주
           out during one trip! They gave me everything they could,   된 동기였는데, 나는 한 번도 살을 빼지 않았다”고 10대 시절 체
           and I cannot sufficiently show my appreciation.”     중계를 212파운드로 기울인 이경훈은 웃었다.
                                                                골프에 빠진 이경훈는 자체 제목의 스포츠 코미디 드라마 스트리
           From a trip to the local driving range as a 13-year-old   밍 TV 시리즈에 출연한 가상의 축구 코치인 테드 라쏘에 비유할
           trying to lose weight, to a PGA TOUR winner          수 있는 교육 스타일을 가진 지역 골프 프로의 고양되고 영감을
                                                                주는 방식을 통해 격려를 받았다. .
           Lee is now one the most jovial golfers on the PGA TOUR,   “계속한 이유는 후배들을 가르치는 프로님 덕분에 내 스윙에 대
           and joked during an interview that he had two big goals   해 계속 긍정적인 피드백을 해 주셨다. 많이 격려해주시고 칭찬
           in life – to become the No. 1 player in the world and the   해 주셔서 기분이 좋았다. 그것이 내가 골프를 계속하게 했고 그
           sexiest golfer alive. “When I won in May, my goals went   는 다른 사람들에게 나를 자랑스러워 했고 그것이 나를 열심히
           viral as many golfers were amused by this story,” he said.  하게 만들었다. 어머니가 바이올린 선생님이시면서 잘 안 되는
           “Being sexy means to be a muscular guy. It’s in my dream   것을 가르쳐 주셨던 걸로 기억한다. 그녀가 나에게 10번의 곡 연
           but not quite possible in reality. I want to be muscular,   습을 하라고 했을 때 나는 아무 집중도 없이 무작정 따라했다. 골
           but I enjoy eating so much. For example, I try not to eat   프는 달랐다. 재미있었고 몇 시간 동안 계속할 수 있었다.”
           dinner if I have a big lunch, but when dinner time comes,

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