Page 70 - Golf Champion - October 2021
P. 70
For every 1 degree increase in body temperature, the can quickly switch on the calorie burn.
metabolic rate increases by 14%. People with low
body temperature tend to gain weight because their 2. In addition to golf, do strength exercises such as sit-
metabolic activity is slower than normal people. It is ups and push-ups. Muscles automatically burn more
not a laxative or diuretic that is sold in the market, but energy. Be sure to do strength training for at least 5
an herbal medicine that warms the body to induce minutes a day, focusing on your weak areas.
automatic dieting. Of course, if you can increase muscle
mass through regular exercise and strength training, it 3. If your body is cold, avoid operating the air conditioner
is a great way to automatically increase the tissues that while driving, do your favorite exercise or walk in the
consume metabolism. In fact, golf is an aerobic exercise, morning, and enjoy a healthy meal or tea made with
so it is very difficult to increase muscle mass by itself. cinnamon, garlic, and green onions instead of coffee.
Therefore, in addition to golf, you can increase your basal
metabolic rate only by increasing your muscle mass by 프를 치다 보면 어떤 사람은 나보다 더 많은 음식을 먹으
doing strength training at home even for just 10 minutes 골면서도, 거의 항상 카트를 타고 잘 걷지도 않으면서 다이
a day. 어트에 별로 신경을 쓰지 않으면서도 체중이 거의 늘지 않는다.
이런 상황에서 우리는 신은 참 불공평하다는 생각과 함께 내 몸
Let's increase the output of our body's fat burning engine 은 저주받은 몸인가? 라는 탄식을 쏟아내게 된다. 정말 그런가?
by making your own lifestyle so that the fat in the body 그렇지 않다. 결론적으로 말하면 절대로 저주받은 몸은 없다. 누
is burned naturally throughout the day. Let's practice the 구나 자동적으로 살이 빠지는 그런 몸을 만들 수 있다.
following methods as a way to increase metabolism, which
is our body's automatic temperature control mechanism 신진대사에 관한 이론에 따르면 추운 날씨, 낮은 몸 온도가 식욕
and an extra fat burning device. If you make this kind of 을 자극한다고 한다. 여름보다 겨울에 더 많이 먹고, 운동 후 체온
life your own habit, you will lose weight naturally and 이 올라가면 식욕이 줄어드는 것은 이런 이론적인 배경이 있다.
change into a well-maintained constitution. 운동대신 가볍게 사우나 또는 반신욕을 잠깐 하는 것도 같은 원
리이다. 평소에 찬 물을 마시지 않고 따뜻한 물을 마시는 것을 습
1. Make sure to eat breakfast before rounds in the 관으로 삼아 항상 몸을 따뜻하게 해 주면 공복감을 덜 느낀다. 하
morning. By triggering your metabolism early, you 나의 간단한 원리이지만, 자동적으로 살이 빠지는 그런 몸을 만
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