Page 68 - Golf Champion - February 2021
P. 68
STRAIGHT WAIST THAT Representative Director
INTERFERES WITH THE of the Inter-American Division of
Self-developed Oriental Medicine Hospital
Oriental Medicine doctor
FULL SWING / a doctor of Oriental medicine
Lee Woo-kyung
자생한방병원 대표원장
시원한 스윙을 방해하는 일자허리 이 우경
here does Tiger Woods' powerful and exciting lean forward, the person whose fingertips do not touch
Wswing come from? What many golf experts say the ground is because this hamstring is hardened. The
is not Woods' muscle and physique, but a bow-like body flexibility of the hamstring is an important index that
that is flexible like young 20s. Today I am going to talk can be used to evaluate a person's elasticity and also as
about the correlation between body flexibility and golf a measure of body age. However, few people know that
swing. this hamstring muscle and this straight waist are very
There are five lumbar bones, all of which are C-shaped closely related.
in the navel direction and should be gently bent like a In fact, 200 years ago, more than 90% of humans walked
bow to be normal, but a straight waist is where you are at least three to four miles a day. Because there were
standing upright like a bamboo. In this case, as well as no cars and no trains or buses as they are now. There
causing chronic back pain, the pressure applied to the was no reason to shorten or harden hamstrings for
disc increases, causing all kinds of degenerative spinal those who exercised regularly so naturally. But now it
diseases such as disc prolapse and stenosis, so it must is different. Wake up in the morning, sit down, eat, sit
be fixed. in the driver's seat, drive to work, sit in a chair for more
On the other hand, the hamstring muscle refers to a than 8 hours a day, work while looking at the monitor, sit
group of muscles located directly behind the knee and in the car again, drive, and come home, sit on the fluffy
thigh. When you stand upright, straighten your legs and sofa and watch TV. The hamstrings are getting shorter
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