Page 38 - Golf Champion - Mar 2021
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          BACK PRO

                                                                                               James Back Pro
          투어 선수 출신 제임스 백 프로                                                                    Teaching youth golf at Los
                                                                                               Serranos Golf Club
                                                                                               로스 세라노스 골프 클럽에서
                                                                                               청소년 골프지도

             ames Back Pro began working in March as a Korean   did not make it. He has participated in One Asia Tour in
          Jteaching staff at Los Serranos Golf Club.           2015, PGA Tour Latin-America, and PGA Tour China for
          Back originally loved swimming, then he started playing   three years since 2017, and participated in major Asian
          golf at an indoor golf driving range with his father when   events such as the Korean Open, SK Open Championship,
          he was in the third grade of elementary school in South   Fiji Open.
          Korea.  In  2000,  when  Se-ri  Park  won  the  American   Back,  who  has  been  playing  as  a  tour  player  for  5  to  6
          Women's Open in Korea, many teenagers, known as “Park   years, has learned and seen a lot from his experience so
          Se-ri Kids”, began to play golf.                     far, so he visioned it would be better to teach young kids.
          He  moved  to  Tulsa,  Arizona  in  June  2003  when  he  was   Based on his 20 years of golf experience, he has a dream
          improving  and  competing  in  various  competitions  in   to  teach  junior  golfers  game  development  and  do  it
          South Korea. At that time, Back made his mind to go to   competitively,  but  he  is  focusing  more  on  the  teaching
          California after learning English and practicing his golf.   side.
          Then he moved to California the following summer.    Later, Back worked as an assistant pro at Anaheim Hills
          California is a place where many juniors are playing and   Golf Club before moving to Los Serranos.
          many competitions take place.                        In particular, Back, who has a lot of passion for dreamers
          From  then  on,  Back  began  competing  in  SCPGA  junior   who want to become youth golfers, teaches golf with the
          events such as the TOYOTA Tour Cup and the American   know-how  and  skills  he  experienced  while  attending
          Youth  Golf  Association  (AJGA),  and  won  the  first  AJGA   middle and high schools.
          championship at Quad City, Iowa in 2005. And that year,
          he participated in a junior event held at the Florida Bay   스세라노스 골프장에 한국인 티칭 스텝으로  James Back
          Hill Golf Club where he passed the cut as the youngest  로프로가 3월부터 근무하기 시작했다.
          junior.                                              한국에서 초등학교 3 학년 때 아버지를 따라 실내 골프연습장에
          The experience of meeting Kyle Stanley and Ricky Fowler   서 골프를 시작한 백 프로는 원래 수영을 했었지만. 2000 년 한국
          at this time was also a significant event.           은 박세리의 미국여자 오픈 우승으로 박세리 키츠라는 말을 만들
          He also won two competitions in 2008 and 2009, including   어낼 정도로 많은 청소년들이 앞다투어 골프를 시작할때쯤 백 프
          being  in  the  top  50  in  the  Rolex  Junior  Rankings  from   로도 골프에 몰입하게 되는 계기가 되었다.
          2007. Then he also competed with Justin Thomas, Jordan   한국에서  각종  대회에  출전해  우승을  하며  기량이  좋아질때인
          Spieth and Patrick Cantlay from 2007 to 2010.        2003 년 6 월, 미국 아리조나의 Tulsa로 이주했다. 이때 백프로
          He  achieved  2nd  Team  All  American  and  1st  Team  All   는 먼저 영어를 제대로 배우고 골프연습을 열심히 한후에 캘리포
          American,  and  reached  to  the  4th  in  nationwide  junior   니아로 꼭 가겠다는 다짐을 했고 다음해 여름 캘리포니아로 이
          golf ranking.                                        사를 했다.
          Back,  who  attended  the  University  of  San  Francisco   캘리포니아는 많은 쥬니어들이 활동하고 대회가 많은곳이기 때
          (NCAA Division1) with Full Ride in the fall of 2010, was   문이다.
          a rookie of the year at the 2011 West Coast Conference,   이때  부터  백프로는  TOYOTA  Tour  Cup,미국청소년  골프협
          and also played in the U.S. Amateur in 2011 and Western   회(AJGA)와 같은 SCPGA 주니어 이벤트에 출전하기 시작했고
          Amateur in 2009 and 2010.                            2005 년 아이오와 주 쿼드 시티에서 첫 AJGA 우승을 차지했다.
          Back  turned  pro  in  2012  and  participated  in  the  last   그리고 그해 플로리다 베이 힐 골프 클럽에서 개최된 주니어 이벤
          Q-School of the PGA Tour in 2012, but unfortunately, he   트에 참가해 최연소로 컷을 통과했다.

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