Page 42 - Golf Champion - Mar 2021
P. 42


                                             STAYING HOME

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              fter  10  long  months  of  staying  home,  the  new   few to optimize your snowshoeing or hiking adventure:
          Aroutines we adopted to stay active and healthy at the     ●  Standing  quad  stretch.  Standing  up  straight,  bend
          start of the COVID crisis are growing old. And while the   your right leg up behind you and grab hold of your
          arrival of vaccines brings hope for a return to “normal” in   foot with your left hand. Count to 30, then lower your
          the not-too-distant future, we’re not there yet. It’s time for   leg and repeat with the other for three repetitions.
          a reset. We asked the pros at top resorts (and one window     ●  Forward  bend:  From  a  standing  position,  bend
          treatment expert) to share their tips for a mid-pandemic   forward at your hips, keeping your legs straight as you
          wellness tune-up, and here’s what they had to say.      lower your hands until they reach your ankles. Hold
          Head outdoors. Don’t let winter weather keep you from   for 30 seconds to stretch your calves, hamstrings and
          exercising  outdoors,  advises  Wayne  Cowan,  activities   hips. Repeat three times.
          director  at  Whiteface  Lodge,  a  mountain  resort  in  the     ●  Forward  lunge:  Elevate  your  left  foot  at  least  12
          two-time Winter Olympics host town of Lake Placid, New   inches,  resting  it  on  a  stair,  bench  or  even  a  large
          York. His suggestions:                                  rock. Staying vertical and squaring your hips, extend
                                                                  your right leg behind you, squeezing your right glute,
              • A cold-weather workout helps ease seasonal depression   then  reach  your  right  arm  overhead  to  deepen  the
             while offering great cardio benefits and higher calorie   stretch.  Hold  30  seconds,  then  repeat  on  the  other
             burn than exercising in warmer temperatures.         side for three repetitions.
              • Make it fun by trying something new, like snowshoeing
             or a winter hike. Snowshoeing in particular can burn   Raise your (golf) game. To help golfers keep primed for
             about 500 calories an hour on average—twice as many   their  return  to  the  course,  Laird  Small,  director  of  the
             as walking, and the higher leg lift it requires means it   Pebble  Beach  Golf  Academy  at  Pebble  Beach  Resorts,
             also might beat running.                          offers these simple tips:
              • Warming up with a few stretches is crucial. Here are a

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