Page 68 - Golf Champion - Mar 2021
P. 68
PGA 선수들은 티오프 몇분전에
Representative Director
경기장에 도착할까 of the Inter-American Division of
Self-developed Oriental Medicine Hospital
Oriental Medicine doctor
/ a doctor of Oriental medicine
Lee Woo-kyung
자생한방병원 대표원장
이 우경
t was in May 2013 when Kyung-ju Choi competed in teeing off. After changing clothes, go straight to the
Ithe The Players PGA Championship in Jacksonville, exercise trailer to meet the trainer and warm up one-
Florida. Choi directly contacted me and asked me to on-one for an hour. I followed Choi and went inside, but
come to the game as a personal doctor. I gladly accepted it wasn't a simple warm-up that we think. It's not just a
his offer and flew from LA to Florida, where I followed simple warm-up that loosens your wrist or waist and
Choi throughout the game with his caddy for health stretches your hamstring, but stretches every corner
care. At that time, while watching the PGA game, I had of your body, including running for 10 minutes, and
unforgettable memories as I watched the pre-rounds up does all the strength exercises to your wrists, waist, and
close and ate at the table right next to famous players ankles until you break your sweat. It was exercise. In my
such as Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson. Among those view as an everyday golfer, It had a tremendous intensity
memories, what I still remember is the thorough warm- that I would not be able to play golf because it is difficult
up and cooling down of all players. enough for an hour. After doing this exercise, they go
Probably still the same, there was a big, full-sized to the clubhouse again, take a simple shower in warm
trailer on one side of the clubhouse where players were water, and finally go out to tee off.
preparing to play at that time. It was equipped with all Besides, after the 18th hole is over, after returning the
kinds of up to date exercise equipment, and two trainers scorecard, they come right back to the trailer to cool
were present throughout the event. According to Choi, down. Rather than breathing like an amateur does, they
this system is prepared by the PGA side, and a trailer for run again to sweat and stretch the whole body again,
this exercise follows in every PGA game. I was amazed as if they are trying to get rid of the single lactic acid
at the scale of the PGA that prepared such things for the remaining in the muscles of the back, neck, and wrists.
best condition of the players, but what I was even more This is necessary, because the next day's round will not
admired was the appearance of the players exercising be affected and you will be able to maintain your best
within them. condition. As a golf player, I couldn't help but admire
All players arrive at the clubhouse two hours before the appearance of the professional golfers who earned
hundreds and millions of dollars a year and received the
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