Page 32 - Golf Champion - July 2021
P. 32



          시간, 재능, 그리고 기술

            was  recently  working  on  the  performance  plan  for  a   of swing-changes during competition, or to continue to
          I  collegiate tennis player and was asked a question that   repeat  swings  that  yield  consistently  unhappy  results.
          I  wish  I  were  asked  more  often  by  golfers:  how  much   I’ve had more than a few professional golfers read that
          should I try to retool my game in order to be competitive?   chapter and tell me that the pain of those decisions cut
                                                               extremely close to the bone.
          The  answer  seems  easy  to  me,  continually  improve
          as  much  as  you  can  up  to  the  point  where  it  becomes   For  professional  and  collegiate  athletes,  the  stakes  are
          counterproductive. Bob Rotella began his book Your 15th   high.  They  are  constantly  being  tested,  ranked,  and
          Club: The Inner Secret to Great Golf with the agonizing   evaluated, and technology has helped us all understand
          decision that many professional golfers face, whether to   the  nuances  of  biomechanics  and  their  outputs.  Their
          rebuild their swing and suffer through the ups-and-downs   performance  relative  to  other  athletes  is  always  on  full

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