Page 68 - Golf Champion -September 2021
P. 68


                                                                   Representative Director
                                                                   of the Inter-American Division of
                                                                   Self-developed Oriental Medicine Hospital
                                                                   Oriental Medicine doctor
                                                                   / a doctor of Oriental medicine
                                                                   Lee Woo-kyung

                                                                   자생한방병원 대표원장
                                                                   이 우경

                       WHEN TO USE A HEAT PAD AND AN ICE PAD

                                온찜질, 아이스 패드는 각각 언제 해야 하나

          You may feel pain in your wrist, ankle, or elbow once or   is such a distinct inflammatory reaction, a feeling of heat,
          twice while playing golf. The first treatment that people   swelling, and pain are accompanied, of course, ice pads
          can think of is a heat pad or an ice pad, but people are   should be applied to reduce inflammation.
          often  confused  about  when  to  use  this.  Some  people   On  the  other  side,  there  are  cases  where  there  is  a
          say that you must use an ice pad unconditionally, while   constant, subtly dull pain rather than a pain from a fall or
          others say that applying a heat pad to your back reduces   sprain at some point. In particular, there are many cases
          the pain. Today, we are going to discuss when to apply a   where seniors in their 50s and 60s have chronic pain due to
          heat pad or an ice pad.                              such 'degenerative arthritis' or 'degenerative spondylosis'.
          Specializing  in  pain,  I  see  patients  every  day  and  see   You can forget the pain in that moment, but keeping the
          patients who suffer for more than a month, even though   temperature low can further accelerate the degenerative
          it's not a major sprain. When patients with such symptoms   changes.  In  this  case,  you  must  warm  the  area  with  a
          come to the hospital and ask about their treatment, they   warm pad to slow the degenerative changes and reduce
          say that they have continued to apply hot pads from the   the  symptoms  as  well.  It  wasn't  just  an  unfounded  folk
          beginning despite swelling and pain in their ankles and   remedy  that  our  grandfather  and  grandmother  used  to
          wrists right after the injury. This is clearly wrong. If there   warm their waist under the lower neck.

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