Page 27 - Golf Champion - January 2022
P. 27

have the most control over is the amount of dedication   lot more practice, but also because they use equipment
           to  improvement  you’re  willing  to  spend  in  the  form  of   that is suited to their game (often a larger mallet putter
           dedicated  practice.  You  simply  can’t  get  better  unless   with inserts to help create a better and more consistent
           you’re  willing  to  put  in  the  time  to  thoughtfully  train.   roll) and they take much more time reading the greens,
           With that being said, I like to think primarily in terms   lining up the putts with alignment aids, and leaving the
           of two primary ways to improve your scoring average as   ball a foot or so past the hole. Patience and consistency
           you age.                                             are required to shave strokes off your game around the
           The Short Game. One of my best friends regularly breaks   green - and just taking the time to line up short putts and
           par despite being in his 70s, but he plays a different game   commit to a speed completely can make all the difference
           than the one he did as a scratch golfer in his 20s. He plays   in the world.
           from the forward tees and he makes a lot of putts and   Distance.  As  we  age,  there  is  really  no  substitution  for
           chips as well as anyone of any age. He doesn’t have as   maintaining or keeping distance. The most precipitous
           much club head speed as he used to have, even on the   falloff in scoring I see is from people who lose significant
           short  shots,  so  he  plays  the  ball  closer  to  the  ground,   swing speed on their tee shots and full swings because of
           preferring  to  bump  and  run  shots  with  a  9-iron,  or  to   the lack of strength and flexibility that can accompany
           keep  the  ball  along  the  ground  with  a  3-wood  around   aging. Hitting a 3-wood into a Par-4’s green is a lot more
           the  green  whenever  he  can.  These  shots  didn’t  come   challenging  than  hitting  a  mid-iron,  and  even  ten  or
           naturally to him, and he had to practice from a variety of   twenty  yards  can  significantly  hurt  your  proximity  to
           lies and grasses to figure out exactly when he could play   the pin on every hole. What’s the solution: a lot of work
           these “safer” shots, and when he would be forced to hit   and as much good health as you can control. Whether
           a higher shot with a lob wedge. Watching him and many   you’re in your 20s, 30s, or 70s, maximizing your distance
           other  students  play,  I  can  share  with  you  that  keeping   is critical, and I don’t have a single student who doesn’t
           the ball lower to the ground consistently gets amateurs   know  they  should  be  working  with  a  trainer  and  a
           closer  to  the  hole,  and  shorter  putts  are  preferable  to   physical therapist. I also have more and more students
           longer ones. That being said, I also find that students that   utilizing  the  services  of  trainers  to  help  teach  them  a
           become better scorers as they age make a lot more short   regular stretching routine. Notice I haven’t talked about
           putts than they did previously. They do so because of a   golf coaches and swing aids yet. As a PGA Professional,

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