Page 45 - Golf Champion - January 2022
P. 45

lot of fiber in the bias layer, a square impact is created   Spinning is a process that hardens the metal surface by
           and ideal heating is created. In addition, high-strength   cold working by spraying hard spherical particles with
           material is adopted in the straight layer to generate high   a  diameter  of  1  mm  or  less  through  the  operation  of
           stability of the shaft.                              injecting iron beads into the face at high speed, which is
           With  an  optimal  head  of  480  CC,  the  effective  batting   effective for improving intensity.
           area,  the  Swiss  pod,  has  increased,  and  even  when  a   The  shaft  that  increases  the  head  speed  uses  M510JB
           miss shot occurs, distance loss and directional shake are   fabric,  which  is  50%  more  elastic  than  Torre's  4T11007
           suppressed.                                          fabric, which is widely used by other companies.
           Softness and high elasticity optimized for flying distance   To  generate  the  optimum  torque,  we  decided  to  use
           using  50-ton  carbon  fiber  material  from  Liaoning   a  material  with  a  high  fiber  rate  for  the  virus  layer  to
           Province, high-strength PAN crab maximizes the elasticity   create a square impact and ideal heating. High-strength
           of the lightweight shaft and at the same time provides the   material  was  adopted  for  the  straight  side  to  generate
           best flight distance by providing a consistent trajectory   high stability of the shaft.
           after impact.
                                                                It is expected that the Dynas clubs will be able to create
                                                                a  more  confident  and  wonderful  score  as  a  popular
                                                                product in 2022.
                                                                Dynas  club,  which  started  selling  in  the  United  States,
                                                                can be purchased with a full set of men's and women's
                                                                golf clubs, drivers, irons, fairway woods, and golf bags,
                                                                as well as clubs of your choice.
                                                                LA Olympic Golf or Call 213-369-5325

                                                                      이나스는  Dynasty(왕조)와  Dyna(힘,동력)의  합성어로
                                                                다품격 있는 골퍼를 위한 럭서리 골프 클럽의 대명사이다,
                                                                비거리를 고민하는 골퍼들에게 최적의 솔루션을 제공하며 한국
                                                                만 아니라 국외 수출도 하며 세계적으로 사랑 받는 고반발 브랜
                                                                드로 자리매김하고 있다
                                                                다이나믹 로얄 3 는 특별하고도 고유한 신기술이 그동안 비거리

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