Page 48 - Golf Champion - January 2022
P. 48




                        PGA 투어 볼트를 지원하는 골프 레전드 게리 플레이어

             OS  ANGELES,  December  2,  2021:    Vault  Media   for all children. The mission of Player’s Foundation is to
          LGroup, Inc. (VMG) announced today that nine-time    help ensure that vulnerable and underprivileged children
          Major  Champion,  World  Golf  Hall  of  Fame  member   have a safe and nurturing environment in which to thrive.
          and golf icon, Gary Player has agreed to support its PGA
          TOUR  Vault  project,  a  larger-than-life  book  and  digital   “I have a tremendous love for the game of golf and I’m
          experience  that  celebrates  the  greatness  of  the  PGA   grateful  for  what  golf  has  provided  me.  I  was  a  poor
          TOUR.  PGA  TOUR  Vault  highlights  the  history,  courses   young man, and I am thankful that I have been able to
          and players who have built the PGA TOUR. VMG is the   give back throughout the years because of what I’ve been
          producer of PGA TOUR Vault under an exclusive licensing   able to achieve” said Gary Player. “Through this project,
          agreement with the PGA TOUR.                         with its incredible photos and stories, the game of golf
                                                               and many people will benefit. I’m thrilled that includes
          Player is the first of up to 40 players and influencers of   the children we impact through the Gary and Vivienne
          the game who will sign a limited edition of 450 Signature   Player Foundation.”
          Marquees of this once in a lifetime publication.
                                                               VMG  is  a  luxury  media  platform  that  brings  together
          Proceeds of sales will benefit First Tee and player-selected   award-winning  designers,  photographers,  and  writers
          charities  around  the  globe,  including  the  Gary  and   to  chronicle  iconic  brands,  historic  accomplishments
          Vivienne Player Foundation, an organization in honor of   and elite figures through the company’s various products
          Player’s late wife Vivienne and her deep love and concern   and  experiences.  The  flagship  luxury  limited  edition

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