Page 64 - Golf Champion - January 2022
P. 64


                            HANGOVER RELIEF EASY TOMORROW

                                  HOT ITEM IN THE U.S MARKET

                                                숙취 해소제 상쾌환

                                           미국 시장에서 뜨거운 인기

               angover remedies began to be used in 1992, when CJ   successful case, the word 'hangover relief' has been used
          HCondition, which uses Hovenia dulcis as the main    since 2000.
          ingredient, was released. With this as a signal, in 1995,     Sangkwehwan,  Easy  Tomorrow  in  the  U.S,  launched
          more  than  20  companies  including  Baekhwa  Brewery   a  pill  formulation  in  2013,  started  full-scale  marketing
          Algio,  Sang-A  Pharmaceutical  OK,  LG  Chem  Vision,   activities  in  2015,  providing  an  opportunity  for  the
          and  Bohae  Brewery  Good  Morning  started  the  market.   hangover remedy market to begin to change rapidly.
          The market began to grow with the release of 808 (plant   The  market  grew  rapidly  from  2018  as  a  large  number
          concentrate) in 1998.                                of young generations in the 20-34 year old group flowed
          However, until this time, the word 'hangover cure' could   in  as  the  main  target.  From  then  on,  the  market  was
          not  be  directly  expressed  because  the  efficacy  of  a   divided into the ‘refreshment’ market, which was mainly
          hangover remedy, a general food, could not be verified   purchased by male office workers over the age of 35, and
          and consumers were confused about the medicine. After   the ‘hwan’ market, centered on the younger generation.
          an  objection  raised  to  the  court  and  concluded  with  a   In  2019,  Sangkwehwan  achieved  2nd  place  in  amount

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